352: Chunky Pokemon

Aug 12, 2007 02:21

Just to clarify, guys, yes. Me + Dave = dating. For real this time, we promise.

Work still sucks and I still take it too seriously compared to everyone else (leads and supervisors included) but 3 more weeks and it shouldn't be so frequent. I WILL PERSEVERE. And one day I shall return to Disney, the one place I TRULY BELONG. (maybe this time I won't have to quit to visit Japan ._.)

SHAMELESS FAKE PLUG FOR MY WRITING JOURNAL. FEEL FREE TO WATCH. kream_filling Not that I've been writing anything, omg. I'm going to fail at nano so much, but at least I have an idea for that. My plethora of akuroku ideas have grown thin. (fuckin', right before akuroku day, too) HERE, HAVE A MEME. Stolen from tesseninthesand

When you see this, post a little weensy excerpt from as many random works-in-progress as you can find lying around. Who knows? Maybe inspiration will burst forth and do something, um, inspiration-y.

Best Case Scenario
Summary: slave boy!Ed falls for his surprisingly kind master!Roy.
warnings: rape, shota, AU
Excerpt taken from chapter 4

Roy decided that Edward was a strange child. He must have heard that letter story from Rose (She must tell everyone that story) and he was not at all against sending one for him, seeing as the boy now ate meals with everyone and did not look so afraid when they would exchange words. However, it was odd that Ed had wanted to come with him to find out the address, and when Roy had expressed his knowledge of where the company that now owned the younger blonde was, Ed had wanted to go there in person, which defeated the purpose of writing a letter at all. They had not been allowed to meet the younger brother, but the owner took the letter and Roy highly doubted that it had been delivered. It didn’t matter too much, though, as long as the boy spoke to him now.

Things needed to progress faster. He didn’t want to wait much longer.


-no title-
Summary: a series of drabbles based on the album Transatlanticism, by Deathcab for Cutie.

The New Year
-The office was lively with celebrating military officers, another year and they were all still alive. The countdown had finished, toasts made and fireworks were being sent up from various places around the city. The question of the evening was "what's your resolution this year?"

"The same thing it was last year," was Ed's every reply, though not entirely the whole answer. Last year had had nothing to do with his colonel.

The conversations were light, no hint of business talk though everyone was still in uniform. Ed stood off to one side, listening to all the conversations though no one voice stood out as understandable untill it was speaking to him.

"I have a lead for you, Fullmetal."

"Oh? I'm surprised you're telling me this now, bastard Colonel, you know I'll be leaving on the first train this morning,"

Roy sighed. "As much as I would love to celebrate the new year again with you at my place, work is work. You'd have killed me if I kept it from you, anway."

(Roy contemplates Ed's thought process)
-Ed was horrible at hiding the marks Roy left. If he tilted his head enough his neck was an open book, and sometimes when he sat with his arm propped up on something you could see his collar bone.

Title and Registration
(Hint at RoyHughes?)

Expo '86
(Ed contemplates how he got into the relationship with Roy in the first place)

The Sound of Settling

Tiny Vessels
(Roy tells Ed he loves him, but doesn't really)
-This was it. Ed wouldn't let him go after this. This was goodbye to every woman he had planned on dating in the near future. This was goodbye to being considered anything close to a single man. This was goodbye to the last honest relationship he had left.

Because it wasn't honest anymore.

Ed stared at him for a long while. Roy watched him in slight horror at his own words, the boy's mouth moved silently, letting out the occasional "what" "you" and "I" when he breathed.

Would it be wrong, he thought idly, to say, "Wait, never mind. I don't actually mean that,"? If he never wanted to have sex with the boy again, maybe it would.

(Ed comtemplates on how he needs Roy)

Passenger Seat
(Roy comtemplates on his commitment to Ed)

Death of an Interior Decorator
(Roy dies)

We Looked Like Giants
(Ed looks back on his relationship with Roy)

A Lack of Color
(Ed, now older, angsts over Roys death for some odd reason)
-He had considered absently in his age, that he should find some 15 year old to molest and see what was so damn interesting about it.


Drabble generator.

I will write a fanfic or drabble with the pairing
and include the following things:
ink, rain, water (for edxal_lover)
The man was a fool. Plain and simply a narrow minded, greedy bastard who wanted to live forever and then left his wife while some other crazy lady was running around immortal and in love with him, and now here they were, faces far too close for comfort given the circumstances. Clearly, it was the work of an idiot. Specifically, the work of the idiot now pinning Ed to the wall while they were covered in ink.
There had been nowhere to run that day, with the rain pouring down in buckets and not enough oil with him to keep him moving all day and the next. So he was stuck inside with the crazy, immortal idiot. The immortal idiot that apparently wanted crazy things from Ed.

I will write a fanfic or drabble with the pairing
and include the following things:
toy bear, hair, food
Spaghetti. Yes, that’s what he should have had. Messy, unruly spaghetti, all over his face. Ah, to indulge in the wonders of food like a five year old again. He almost felt remorse that he was not that young still. Then again, if he were, he would not be in the situation he was now thoroughly enjoying.


Summary: Post movie, Ed and Al want each other, but Ed finds it too morally wrong to cope.

"Al," he finally managed in a strangled voice that barely resembled his own, but that was as far as he got. Al's arms trapped him against the couch, that beautifully terrifying face coming closer, closer, and closer still as Al climbed on the couch, legs straddling Ed's hips, though he did not sit thankfully.


First timers
Summary: ... self explanitory PWP.
Notes: Originally planned for both 30_lemons AND a present for Roxas.
Warnings: it sucks. Axel first person POV

I’d break him down eventually, and he’d enjoy it so much that he’d beg me to do it again. Or, well, maybe not beg. Roxas isn’t quite the begging type. But he’d want it, that’s what’s important.

He swapped my face away, though. Hit me square in the nose, too, but not hard. “I’m serious, get out,” he said again, but I’d be damned if I was letting him get away without so much as a kiss. So, obviously, I clung to him. Arms around the waist and the like. If I pouted cutely enough, maybe he’d change his mind. Or maybe if I took off his jacket…


Boy Meets Boy
Summary: No problems, just a simple relationship.
Notes: inspired by Summer Skin, a RikuSora of similar nature.

It was just a boy meeting a boy, nothing more. There had been no sparks, no magic and no feeling instantly drawn to the other. Just one boy and then another and before anyone noticed they were suddenly always together.

He had been the friend of a friend, or, to be more specific, the friend of a classmate of a friend. In all normal circumstances, Roxas would have never have spoken to him, even after he realized that they took the same bus to school.


Theme 12: Morning [even the deepest night gives way]

Axel thinks he’s discovered the reason behind Roxas’ constant moodiness, or apathy, or whatever you’d like to call it.

Also, please note, zucchini is more talented than Harry Potter.

meme, work, life, fanfic

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