I've no excuse for my disappearance this time. BUT HI AGAIN.
Sometimes I think I miss being single with Roxas. Or maybe I just miss Roxas. It's been ages since I've really been able to talk to her, and that is a load of crap that I need to fix. (Doesn't help that I had an awesome dream about her recently, lol)
I really don't like working at Raging Waters. I've no specific complaints (except maybe working in locations with no shade, wtf) It's just that... well, it's not Disney and that drives me nuts. All day everyday all I can think is "well, at DL, we did this, and it worked a hell of a lot better than this system does." Seriously. I wanna go back.
Picked up Harvest Moon DS. It's fun, but I suck at it really hard core.
HALF WAY THROUGH HARRY POTTER. Ron is dumb, lol. But, dude, for like, a week and a half my brother's girlfriend has been masterfully talking to everyone we know about specific details of the book right in front of me and I have NO IDEA what she's saying :DD it's fucking amazing. Soon, I'll be in on those conversations, too~ It's exciting.
It's a little weird, though, I'm so far in, but it doesn't feel like anything has really happened.
I need to draw something~ @___@ I really ought to practice drawing Roxas, but I almost want to think of my own comic story, too. It's just that nothing comes to mind, as per usual.
PS. Just now... CODE GEASS WTF.
I want the old cliff hanger back, this sucks T_____T
So, my mind is blown and I'm very sad for all the deaths (and wtf @ Viletta? T__T I liked you!!) But seriously.... all that work, and then Lulu has to run off to save Nunally? I mean, I understand why he felt he had to, but now everyone is just falling apart because he's not there! They really look like they had a pretty good handle on everything before he left, my mind is kind of boggled as to how they fell apart so quickly. But I guess Lulu was right in the first episode, if the king doesn't move, the subordinates won't either.
Orange-kun is just pissing me off. I kind of liked him before, but now he's just psycho and I hope he dies~ :D (and he better not take C.C. with him)
SPEAKING OF C.C., THE POOR THING. I really like her now, that tiny look into her past was amazing. And I really like being able to see how deep her bond with Lulu has gotten, so awesome.
LOL at Karen, kind of. I didn't really think she'd go so crazy after finding out Lulu was Zero, but I suppose she has a right to. It really kind of seemed like she was in love with Zero up to this point, or at least some hardcore form of 憧れ, or whatever that is in English.
Lulu and Suzaku freaking out at each other was kind of really scary. And why did they have to make the gunshot noise and then show NUNALLY? gaaaaaah.
FUCK YOU, Nina. Just fuck you, seriously.
My screen has a yellow tint to it, it makes me very sad. Dave thinks my screen is dying. I disapprove greatly. FIXED IT. I'm awesome. Just needed to tilt the screen a little. Go me.