Whew, while this schedule is nowhere near as bad as my last, I got a little spoiled and working four 12-14 hour shift weekly now seems tiring. Ah well, Life is context.
1) I bought a bike! Haven't done that... since I was, like, eight. And Iv'e been riding my brother's teenage mountain bike in the meantime. So today I decided to go whole hog and get an entry level (stil wickedly expensive. Damn!) road bike. It's a Trek. I likey a lot. Took it for a quicky this evening and hitting 20mph? was like NOTHING! I couldn't PUSH my other bike that fast downhill...
I guess triathlons come nexT?
2) Ummm, true confession time: I watch Once Upon a Time. And also, I kind of love Prince Charming. *burieshandsinface* I also really enjoy Rumplestiltskin
3) Oh, and did anyone catch the Jon Stewart/Bill O'Reiley debate? AWE-SOME! Jon is so... just yeah. Everything about it (esp the donation to charities) made it the best five bucks I've ever spent on anything political.