Jun 08, 2019 01:23

So, i have never felt like i fit in, i made friends sure, but i always felt like i was hiding a part of me, whether it ws being adopted, or about my sad home life, either way, i hid so much.....i thought i was a good liar until it meant something.... my senor year i met my high school sweetie who is now my husband almost 30 yrs, AND oddly enough if i tried to fib even on the phone he knew... so im not a good liar. but i have spent most of my life hiding, pretending, but sometime b4 i met my love, i found ME, i found my voice, and i realized the only person that counted was me, and my inside voice became vocal. - it was scary , but it was refreshing. too... so now im almost 50 and that inside voice, has bcome so much more outside voice, and whats funny, is i dont care, im old enough and gone throough so much i dare you callenge me, has given me some challenges, and im here...ive heard and seen thingsi wish i could not, but im here,so LIFE< FAITH has beaten you. im still here, and i know those close to me...sing my praises.....

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