Jun 24, 2006 01:00
i am in love with life. completely. totally. forever.
yesterday was pretty much the best day ever.
i got home from my winthrop sleepover at 9. napped til 11:30. chatted with my tiny dancer and sarah snyder. shanda came over and i told her my story. she literally rolled on my floor laughing. we went to the bank and target where we bought completely unnecesary things. i even brought her a present that she wasn't allowed to see until we were 3 feet out of the store. then it was off to red robin for our delta delta lunch. i swear i'm the luckiest girl in the world. probably the best time ever. i am truly madly deeply in love with those girls and our constant need to tell and know everything about each other. we are amazing. jkskshjsdhsd seriously i can't even explain how much my dds mean to me or our complete obsession with one another. most of us were at amanda's wedding on saturday. within the next two days we were planning a lunch and at lunch we planned our next event. if we were any closer, we would have to be permanently attached.
anyways....after lunch missy, shanda, and i went to look at their potential new apartment and then raced around getting them back to their cars and me to work on time. then kathy told me i could go home an hour early. i came home and talked to 25 different people but had a nice quiet night at home because it was necessary to prevent future issues. and still i'm in the best mood.
oh. you wish you were a delta delta.