More DA Stupid.

Feb 11, 2012 03:22

Oh my God, this chick is psycho to the point it's getting on my nerves.

I've written about my anime dub stamp here before. The one that says my personal opinion of dubs but says nothing to insult people who like dubs. You know, this one:

Well, somebody came to it again yesterday to stir up some drama because they apparently aren't capable of reading at an adult level and comprehending it at the same time. Take a look. They are trying their HARDEST to make me out as one of those militant weeaboo assholes who thinks everything Japanese is superior to GOD just because it's Japanese, and I think she's making herself look pretty stupid in the process. They REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY care that I don't like dubs. Like, REALLY REALLY REALLY.

Here's the lulz.

What the hell, people, really? How do these idiots find me?!

da, wank, wtf, rant

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