Jun 25, 2011 03:48
I was watching TV on my bed just now and a commercial came on that had some slight double-vision to it in one point.
No lie, I shifted my head and shoulders to the right as an automatic reaction to try and get back in the sweet spot for 3D on the 3DS. Perhaps I am playing too much Zelda in a short amount of time.
Showtime has some great commercials for their programming.
Oh, and Prima? Don't list the fishing requirements to get a piece of heart as a 10 pound fish when a 9 pound fish will get it, too. I caught that damn fish THREE TIMES before finally giving up to come back later, turned it in to the counter since it broke the lake record, AND GOT THE PIECE OF HEART. I wasted more than an HOUR at that damn fishing pond for nothing. That detail was sorta kinda important.
One last thing: the irritated patch on my neck is still there and it still feels a bit raised, but it doesn't burn like it did last night (just a little if I touch it) and it isn't nearly as red. Dr. Mom examined it this morning, said it didn't look like a bite of any sort, and bought some cooling Cortizone 10 for it. I still have no idea WTF it was... it will just be one of those random things that clears up by itself.