If I had a PSP I'd probably download it because of the portable aspect... otherwise even if I had a PS3 I wouldn't spring for it because I still have the original disks. It's the same reason I didn't buy the GameCube release of Ocarina of Time or the downloadable version on the Wii store. They added some new stuff as well as completely overhauled the entire game graphics-wise for the 3DS re-release, so I bought it in a heartbeat.
That's much the same reason why we haven't bought FFVII through the PSN; 8-bit LEGO people just don't do it for me, not after seeing the graphics potential with FFXIII.
Have you played FFVII? I haven't myself (I've never been that huge into the FF series for some reason), but everyone I know who IS well-versed in FF stuff say that VII is one of the best of the series, so I wouldn't discount it just because of sucky graphics. If you HAVE played it and just don't want to re-buy it, though, kudos for not being needlessly redundant.
Xenogears is the same way. It's 8-16 bit LEGO people with traditionally animated cut scenes, but GOD is it ever a great game! I can forgive the crap graphics for a really solid story and game play.
Haven't played it, but have watched all the 'Let's Play FFVII' videos posted on YouTube. It's the game that really introduced the concept of the RPG to North American gamers when it was released. I find the basic plot points/characters so similar to InuYasha that it was an easy transfer into the fandom. The game is so well-documented that it's easy to write fanfic for it.
Well, that and an awesome beta who has played it umpteen times helps!
J is playing FFXIII, and I have to say, if you want to introduce the FF franchise to a teenage girl (on PS3), that's the game to do it. The strong female characters more than make up for the linear plot and the graphics are gorgeous. We also like Little Big Planet for Stephen Fry's dry commentary, the amazingly clever 'planets' and the outstanding graphics.
Me? I'm the Official Heckler and Walkthrough Goddess.
Looks like tigersharkiv is interested, though. ;)
That's much the same reason why we haven't bought FFVII through the PSN; 8-bit LEGO people just don't do it for me, not after seeing the graphics potential with FFXIII.
Xenogears is the same way. It's 8-16 bit LEGO people with traditionally animated cut scenes, but GOD is it ever a great game! I can forgive the crap graphics for a really solid story and game play.
Well, that and an awesome beta who has played it umpteen times helps!
J is playing FFXIII, and I have to say, if you want to introduce the FF franchise to a teenage girl (on PS3), that's the game to do it. The strong female characters more than make up for the linear plot and the graphics are gorgeous. We also like Little Big Planet for Stephen Fry's dry commentary, the amazingly clever 'planets' and the outstanding graphics.
Me? I'm the Official Heckler and Walkthrough Goddess.
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