This has made me so very very happy.
I don't consider myself anything more than a casual gamer at best, but when I get ahold of a game I really love (usually an RPG but not always), I am hardcore about it for at least a few months straight. The first time this really happened to me was when I was in 7th grade and I was introduced to what I think is one of the best games ever made, Xenogears, by
tigersharkiv. On the good old original PlayStation. I don't care if the graphics completely suck now, it's still a freaking fantastic game that I would have a nerdgasm over if they'd remaster and re-release it. Seriously, I'd buy the friggin' console for it.
When I was in 8th grade, though, I found what is still by far my most favorite video game of all time: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the N64. I cannot tell you how many times I have played that game in the last 13 years. Even though my N64 is no longer hooked up to a TV, that gold cartridge is still in it. While Bree has always been a bit of a gamer herself, I introduced her to Ocarina as soon as I thought she was old enough to handle playing it (I think that was about 10, but I'm sure she can correct me if I'm wrong). It makes me proud that she said of her own volition that it was one of the best games ever made, completely without my influence. Since that time she has declared that she desperately wants a 3DS mainly for the purpose of playing the remaster of Ocarina. Thatta' girl.
So, anyway. I'm on night #2 of pretending I'm still in college and staying up all night playing this game, now on my 3DS. Oh dear God is it ever BEAUTIFUL. I thought the graphics were really awesome when it was on the 64 (yay, 1998 video game tech), but it looks SO much better now on the 3DS even with the 3D turned off. I completely agree with what X-Play said in their review (paraphrased): "While this game pushed the 64 to its limits, THIS looks like the game Nintendo wanted to release from the beginning."
All of the environments I have encountered so far are lush with detail (and believe me, I know every nook and cranny of this game by heart). The characters look soooo much better than before, Link in particular.
I'd say that's an upgrade, wouldn't you? I forgot how severe the graphics were in the 64 version.
This game is seriously my happy place. I'm allowing myself to get lost in it for a couple days for my own sanity.
P.S. to McAfee:
Screw you guys, I'm going home. I'm tired of screwing around with your stupid-ass program that has done nothing but crater my system and malfunction for the last few months after years of flawless performance. I have uninstalled you (remaining subscription time be damned), canceled automatic renewal, and installed AVG instead.