This article from the UK Daily Mail may interest you. It's superficially about the champion sprinter who faces accusations that she's actually a man. It gets into a detailed explanation for the general public about situations where what we call gender is more complex than "XX=girl, XY=boy". Good science writing. I know about this stuff from law school and elsewhere, but don't usually see much about it in general-interest sites. The article also contrasts these cases of ambiguous gender with situations where the Nazis and Communists flat-out cheated by crudely disguising men or pumping women full of testosterone.
Yesterday I was going to criticize the same site because of one aspect of its layout. I saw
this article -- "Hellish scenes as six bomb blasts rip through Baghdad leaving at least 95 dead and 536 wounded" -- and off to the side, a column headed "Femail" about cute celebrity gossip. (The article set was worse yesterday.) Because, you know, women mostly only care about who looks good in a swimsuit.