Prof. John David Lewis of Duke has a short analysis of exactly what this health care bill would do. The second link is Limbaugh's commentary on the commentary; the third is the House bill as pulled from
"Will the Plan ration medical care? Will the plan punish Americans who try to opt out? Will the Plan destroy private health insurance? Does the plan tax successful Americans more than others? Does THE PLAN exempt federal OFFICIALS from COURT REVIEW?" Lewis' answer in each case is yes, citing chapter and verse from the bill.
I've been reading other analyses, good and bad, of this bill, and browsed it myself. Some of the wilder criticisms are false. Eg., p.16 of the House bill doesn't directly outlaw private medical insurance as some claim, but only defines what qualifies as "grandfathered" plans. Still, some of the criticisms are dead-on, based on my reading:
-All citizens are ordered to buy health insurance or pay a tax -- a tax designed to improve "compliance", ie. intended to punish disobedience rather than to raise revenue.
-All employers are ordered to provide health insurance or pay a tax.
-When you and your boss obey the above orders, you must get a plan that meets a broad and specific set of requirements, eg. for prescription drug coverage. Want to buy a cheap, no-frills plan? Tough!
-If you make lots of money, you're hit with a 1-5.4% extra income tax. Your money will go to subsidizing health insurance for the poor. That's because your property belongs to the federal government to redistribute as it sees fit, or to "spread the wealth around" and "achieve
redistributive change" as the President puts it.
-Your employer will face lower costs if they dump your private insurance and just pay the tax penalty, so if your employer is non-suicidal you will lose any insurance it currently provides. (If you believe certain cost estimates. I've not investigated these, but hear that some corporations are lobbying for this bill specifically to fob off their insurance costs on the taxpayers.)
-The bill's demands lie far outside of any legal authority granted by the United States Constitution -- unless you read the Constitution in such a way as to render it meaningless. Therefore the bill is an illegal act of aggression against all of us citizens.
"All things must obey me! Let me release you from your suffering!" -Grandia II, megalomaniac final boss
One other thing:
Patriot furry art!