Jan 07, 2005 22:56
..So i don't really know where to begin considering things are just weird and i need to change a few important things about me! I can't save and pay bills at the same time because i spend too much to be doing that!! My credit cards are seriously the death of me and i hate having them around. I also want and will lose 20 lbs before my sis's wedding in May. Both of these things will take complete disipline and i do not have any right now! I know how to lose weight but i just need to budget my time to allow myself to do so. Also, i need to give up on eating bad foods aka junk food. If i do those things i know i'll be okay and a little bit happier overall. I also need to not drink so much because i know i can have fun without getting trashed when i go out with friends!
I was told to make long term goals instead of resolutions because those last longer so here goes mine.
1) SAVE and Move to Boston Area in 1 yrs time
2) Be at a healthy size 9
3) Take more chances and get to know people better!
4) Apply and get accepted to beauty school for make-up artistry
That seems like a very good plan i have for myself in the next few years! It should only take me a year and that is what i'm shooting for! Hopefully it works out!! =) I'll cry if something on here doesn't work and i do NOT cry ever!! ...unless it's life changing...