Moments (postmodern)

May 11, 2007 16:11

"And that leads us to one of the other problems that can crop up with postmodernism," said the anthropologist. He's one third of a team-taught class that I'm in. This class, product of a sociologist, an anthropologist, and a theologian/scholar of myth, is composed of 99.6% pure win. "When you're reflecting on yourself, you might also reflect on reflecting on yourself and you slide on into a situation like standing between two mirrors and looking at an illusionary hallway. Infinite regress."
I came up to him later. "Of course, a silly postmodernist answer would be infinite egress - both in the Barnum sense and the fill-the-air-with-snowy-feathers sense."
It got a laugh. I was very happy about that.


In recent reading, despair was expressed. I quote: Direct attacks on anything are very rarely sucessful. The thing to do is not try to engage with individual jackasses, which would be pissing in the sea even if it were likely to work.  The thing to do is to try and make more noise than the other team. Really, the Jackasses are not people we want to reach. Folks who think crap like that are already lost, tares, goats, too far gone to help. The people we want to reach are the "swing voters", people who might listen bad fools, but who might be distracted by, um, us better fools. :)

'tis not so! I vigorously and in a friendly manner disagree and let P-Zed explain it all:Here's the real solution to the "marching moron" problem: teach them. Give them fair opportunities. Open the door to education for all. They have just as much potential as you do. Bova complains that people aren't willing to work for change, but this is exactly where we can work to improve minds - but we won't if we assume the mob is hopeless.


Wee, sleekit, cowrin, tim'rous beastie,
O, what a panic's in thy breastie!
Thou need na start awa sae hasty
Wi bickering brattle!
I wad be laith to rin an' chase thee,
Wi' murdering pattle.


The difference between "whistleblower" and "snitch" depends on whether the laws and enforcers are respected and regarded as legitimate.  People who don't like either conceive of "snitches" and say things like "it's never wrong to lie to the police."  Yes?

It is very sad that America is currently much more leaning towards snitches.  Chalmers Johnson, who I'm reading more of, is like David Neiwert documenting some very scary trends. 

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