Part of the reason that I'm not buying a new computer yet is
Oblivion: a game guaranteed to prompt extremely poor time-management decisions from me. Betheseda's last big-budget RPG, Morrowind, also sucked my brain in for a good long while. I'm not entirely sure why this is - I've been drifting further and further away from anything like a computer gaming habit for a while now. There are a lot of games out there whose ideas I kind of like, but none of them seem compelling.
This is a lot like what's happened with movies, only movies have an even lower bar to entry than computer games. They have the same dynamic, though, where there's a fair number that seem intriguing but nothing compelling. I can't remember the last time money went from my pocket to a movie theater's till. It also doesn't help that they've been treating their customers worse and worse in addition to raising prices ahead of inflation.
I have to wonder about the healthiness of my media diet in light of this. I osmose a lot from my social circle - yay for chatty film students like the Emergency Russian - but it bugs me to think that I'm getting further and further from the cultural mainstream. That's not inherently a good thing, no matter how much I dislike a lot of the cultural mainstream. It makes it harder to find common ground with people. I don't watch TV. I've never seen Buffy, BSG, The Simpsons, Futurama, or The Wire. I don't listen to commercial radio. I read the front page of the San Francisco Chronicle pretty regularly, but I probably wouldn't notice if you took the rest of the paper away.
So what's left in my media diet is pretty much The Internet.
David Neiwert,
the S,N! crew,
Tom Tomorrow, and
Johnathan Schwarz are my news shows; LJ,
Wikipedia, and the coruncopia of stumbled-upon sites are my radio talk shows, and
Order of the Stick,
Schlock Mercenary,
Penny Arcade, and
Something Positive are the comics page. There's a lot of stuff besides - I mean, we're talking about the Internets - but those are what I head for when nothing seems to be coming to mind.
This works, but I still have to wonder what kind of reality tunnel it's forming. I can't quite see the shape of it. I can tell that leaning on the WSJ, Fox News, and Jay Leno will mold a certain kind of worldview. A person's media diet has an effect. I make my media diet
low-advertisement, and
high-joy, then hope that it's all adding up to high-sanity because it sure as hell isn't adding up to high-certainty.