Sep 24, 2004 23:54
As of September, 21,2004 I had my oral surgery.
This surgery consisted of my left canine being removed (no it hadn't fallen out yet), and this was because the other tooth that was on its way was in the roof of my mouth in a horizontal-like position. They basically gave me laughing gas, to knock me out and 2 needles in each arm. They didn't do a very good job with the needle in the right arm because my arm hurts when I stretch it out, it feels like they killed all the muscles in my arm and if i even reach down to put my shoe on it kills, it still hurts but yay my arm isn't all purple and bruised looking anymore!.
Back to the mouth. Anyways, they put a metal chain thing around it to attach it to my braces to pull it forward so it goes in the spot where it should be.To cover the hole in my flesh, and to prevent it from getting infected, etc they put this pink bubble gum looking thing over it but its harder, it feels like I have very old gum stuck to the roof of my mouth and although it's extremely tempting to take it off, I can't it'll be there for a week and they might put a new one. This has been a very painful process. The first day I didn't think it was as bad considering half of my face was extremely numb for the entire day. My diet mainly consisted of pudding,ice cream, milkshakes, and anything mushy. Aaron did the sweetest thing for me the day of the surgery, after I was done he came by my house and he had made 2 containers of jello for me :) that made me very happy...yay I love him :). Ok so I ate the jello, I still have plenty left and I have gradually tried to make my way up to other foods. Yesterday I had a ceasar salad and that was a big mistake, I bought it from pizza pizza and the dressing wasn't very good, and the salad was so crunchy and all the crunchy parts were hurting my mouth so much. Today I began to eat more normal, I had hawaiian pizza, which took me a while to eat but I did it yay! I'm not supposed to drink from straws, because the suction makes my mouth hurt, and I shouldn't drink pop but that's ok cause I stopped drinking that a long time ago yay!!
Now my entire left side of my upper jaw hurts, even my teeth and I don't understand why, it's really painful and it's driving me nuts.
Enough rambling about this, I finally dropped the stupid international business course and took world history instead. Although I was never a big fan of that class last year, it's reading & writing and if I'm interested in journalism I should be okay wiht that. I couldn't stand another day of my business teacher driving me to become a vegetarian by telling us some really disgusting things chinese people do to chickens and how in China there's parts of the country where they actually DO raise dogs and eat them and that makes me want to cry and kill someone.
There were also way too many terms to memorize and stuff which I didn't care about, and i also didn't care less about visiting york regarding their business courses because I had 0 interest in business. I felt so out of place.
I'm enjoying my writer's craft course a LOT, I love Mrs. McGinn. On oct. 13 we're going to have a pot luck and I'm going to make this chocolate mousse cake with strawberries, hopefully if it's not hard. I don't like the idea of carrying it there and having to carry the cointainer in which I brought it in back home. Although I get rides to school, I still don't like the idea of carrying cake around school. Anyways it'll be tons of fun, and the whole class is fun. The teacher will make jokes about how we can brink vodka and guiness, lmao it's like a big inside joke but anyways, I'm very happy that I took that course.
Individuals & Families in blah blah is very boring, the group assignments tend to be a bit on the lame side, eh I enjoyed parenting, food & nutrition and fashion more! This course is so boring ugh, and we have a HUGE project that we have to work on throughout the whole semester...yay! :S.
Sims 2 came out recently, and of course Aaron's younger sister went out and bought it. It was like 60 bucks and it has 4 CDs!!! I don't understand why but it's huge. Anyways, it froze on us like over 6-7 times while we were creating the characters. It's good because you can make the people in the game actually look like you by chanigng the face around, the shape of everything in the face, hair, skin color, shape of eyes etc! That's the best part. One part I wasn't very happy with was the selection of outfits. Sorry but they suck. There isn't a lot, especially for guys and some of them are so tacky...a pink tuxedo!!! Wtf. And the clothes are just plain ugly, it reminds me of a version of The Sims just...with better graphics when it comes to the outifts. Another thing I didn't like was the fact that the stuff for building houses is not good. The wall colors are bad, they're all so similiar you don't understand why there's a list of like 6 wall paints that look the same, some have htin borders, some have thick borders. Most pain colors were white, off white, light green, brihgt red, yellow,white, white & more white with brown at the bottom oh and like bright green...ugly. They had some hideous windows, Aaron accidentally used these windows that head like a hart on I expected the game to be much more modern...than it actually is. Obviously you can download extras, but for a game that consists of 4 CDs and costs 60 bucks I'd expect it to have better outfits and more modern objects. The fences aren't very good either, the pool is like the best. Also the floors are just as bad as the walls.
There is a money cheat for this game, and we used it to get more money so it works yay. We didn't get to "live" yet cause I had to go home and we would have had hours to play but it kept on freezing so we'd get angry and leave. It's clear that soon they will have many add-ons for this game and the downside of this is the fact that now the older sims have no relevance whatsoever to this new sims 2 so therefore all your old sims...are worth nothing to this game. And after you've played this game, I doubt you'd wanna go back to original sims, unless you have tons of varities for walls, floors, heads and clothes like me which I've downloaded then it's fun!! I've been playing Grand Theft Auto: Vice City a lot though, I got addicted to it through Aaron and i downloaded it and it works yay.
Ok i'm very tired, I'm gonna go to bed and I need to read cause I have a lot of books from the library that I wanna finish reading. Tomorrow I'm going to the University Fair with Aaron.