
Sep 10, 2004 21:56

Woohoo it's time for another update dun dun dun...

School started...obviously, on Sept. 7th, what joy what fun! How excited was I??? to be brutally honest not at all, I was NOT looking forward to school, I was NOT looking forward to putting up with other people's crap. The good thing about summer is that, you surround yourself with things that are most important to you, you do things that matter to you, you see people you care to see. But at school it's the opposite of all those things. I guess you have to experience all the disress first to be able to enjoy...the few months of summer we get.

This semester I only have 3 classes and one spare. I have Writer's Craft and I am in love with that course. The teacher (Mrs. McGinn) is amazing, and I can tell this is going to be a fun class, it sort of already is. We all had to sit in a circle and read anything whether a quote, something from a book, magazine, something someone said, etc. Anyways it could be anything that inspired us in one way or another. I chose to bring in "Go Ask Alice" and read an entry, it was the one entry where she complains how basically parents never listen to their kids, and my teacher was freaking out because she said that was her favorite book and then she advised anyone who hadn't read it to read it. I chose to bring that book in because it has affected me very deeply, in a way that I don't think I could explain why. Everytime I read it ( every single year honestly), I understand it better and better. When I first read it in like grade 7 or 8, I remember how much it made me cry, I was not really in any of the situations she was in but I felt like I understood her so much. In the later high school years, everytime I read it, I found I had basically started to do things that made me relate to her, and the more I saw myself relating to the book, the more I chose to change my life because her life did not make me happy. It made me cry for her, it made me feel so bad I wished I could have known her and helped her out, it made me realize how much pain and trauma humans go through and how people don't understand because they are too ignorant or they just choose not to get involved. Anyways I could write an essay on this book ...er diary about how amazing it is, but in simple and plain words...this book is amazing.

Ok back to my original topic, my other class is International Business, and I really dislike it. I'm going to be at school at 8:00 in the morning on Monday, so I can hopefully make an appointment with guidance and see if there is any possible way I can take something else. I remember being offered 2 options, this or World History and while I was taking gr. 11 world history I hated every moment of it and my mark (74) so I decided I'd rather take business. What a big mistake. In world history I had at least the inspiration to read the stuff and actually do my work and pay attention. In this class I have 0 interested in knowing when pepper was exported and where it was first discoevered because honestly who gives a crap??? I also don't give a crap about other people's companies and businesses because it's stupid. Oh and I also do not care AT ALL whether Michael Jordan knows how to manage his finances or not, or why TLC went bankrupt (the band). That's what happens to bands, they're not meant to last forever, and why is it a class discussion why they went bankrupt, other people's money and their way of handling it is none of my business.

My 3rd class is Individuals and Families in a diverse society. Aaron and Colette sit with me so therefore they're in my class, I have Mrs.Falk, I've had her like for every single year whether it was food and nutrition, parenting, fashion or this course. I think she's the best teacher because I always get the best marks, and I love her way of teaching, she's very organized and doesn't give us endless ntoes to copy etc she always gives us hand-outs with everything organized on them and due dates of everything, etc it's great!

During my spares which switch, first or last, I have nothing to do really, except my work in the halls. One morning I brought "Lysol" wipes and cleaned mine & Aaron's locker because they were dirty, I also put paper on them, etc. I usually read, and the other day I talked to Dave. I was sort of happy to find out he had a spare at the same time as me, but he went and took boys gym instead...blah!! The grade 9's will talk to me...when they ask me where their classroom or where the washroom is! lol they talk to me at least!

Today, after school Aaron and I walked to my house, we didn't really find anything we wantd to eat in my house so we walked to Wendy's. That was fun yay. "That bike's a guy" lolol.
Anyways, after that we walked back to my house and we like had fun calling this dog over, but we realized he was chained, anyways I believe it was a pitbull and probably the quietest one i've seen he didn't bark once and we went like crazy calling it lol.
We decided to go bowling, so Aaron's mom gave us a ride there. We called before we went and the guy told us yes there was open bowling. When we got there we found out they had glow-bowling and the other one was league bowling, so we're like uh wtf! So we're standing there & Aaron is trying to get ahold of his mom so she can come get us, and the guy comes up to us and he says ok guys know what how much $ do you have so we're like ummm like $10 so he says ok for $20 you can do glow bowling for an hour so we thought that was great, cause the regular price is $40, so we usually split the lane with a bunch of people. We had a lot of fun!! The first time Aaron won, and then we both tied at 86 and then I won, yayyy I had a lot of fun.

Alright well that's about it, that's a long entry I guess.
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