This is totally lame-o but I'm having a delayed reaction to having seen Twilight. That movie just ripped my heart out! It destroyed my book and I feel very... wronged? Nope, that's not the word... betrayed... disappointed... heartbroken... I think that's it. How could they do that?
All of the unique aspects of Bella and Edward's relationship were lost. No clever sarcastic remarks... we barely got to hear them speak to each other. They came off as immature teens infatuated with each other and not actually in love. No relationship or character development.
They did a shitty job setting up for the next movie. I mean, if I have to watch Kristen Stewart's flat-ass acting as she stumbles through the woods after Edward leaves her...I mean, that scene made me cry in the book and I can just imagine how short Kristen's acting "skills" will fall in regards to bringing that emotion to the screen. An entire movie revolving around her being depressed is going to be god-awful. And Edward's poor tortured soul... Robert Pattinson is going to royally fuck that up too. His facial expressions are ridiculous. He says "Edward's not perfect, he's only perfect in Bella's eyes..." That's not TRUE! He's perfect in everyone's eyes because he has that effect on all humans...DUH! So dammit, since ur acting in front of a bunch of humans (us viewers), u should be damn perfect for us too! But maybe if he'd read the books, he'd have known that.
And Edward is not "awkward teenage boy" he's 107 years old for goodness sake! He's smooth and sophisticated, a gentleman, intelligent, witty... everything that Rob left out of his portrayal which pretty much means he wasn't portraying Edward at all. And why was Bella so freakin' emo in the movie. It's like she never smiled or something! Not even when she was around Edward.
And why is it that it was never explained that the "beautiful" song that Edward played on the piano was actually a lullaby that he wrote that was inspired by Bella? Could u leave out a more important thing? Did they not have enough money in the budget to add a line similar to "Bella, I was thinking of you when I wrote this song" or "Bella, you inspired me to write this" or "Bella, I wrote this for you"... is that too much to ask? So when she gets the c.d. as a b-day gift in the next movie... people aren't even going to know what it was! They removed a total "Awww Edward's so romantic" moment from the story-line!
Loved the baseball scene. That's about it. And Charlie was funny. I liked Alice and Emmet.
The hospital scene was awful, again due to Kristen's major failure.
Rosalie was NOT the most beautiful girl in the world, not even close, and she was.... curvy... which is not very model-esque. Jasper looked absolutely ridiculous. Carlisle was fine, but had too much make-up on. Laurent (a french black dude with dreds) is a joke, even to a black person (i.e. me).
The relationship between Bella and Charlie was underdeveloped. I mean, did they have to leave out the whole snow-tire thing? I was touching when Bella realizes that the only reason that she didn't die on the way to school was because Charlie got up extra early on a freezing morning to put snow chains around her tires. How sweet right? But that's not how it happened in the movie...LAME!
Oh! And Edward, if he would EVER take Bella to the tree-tops, would NOT ever let go of her like he did in the movie. He'd be a ball of nerves!
And the one scene that is my most favorite scene in the whole book (the Port Angeles scene) was ruined! He's supposed to, in a James Bond fashion, spin the car around, open the passenger door, FROM THE INSIDE, and say "Get in"... and then they drive off. He NEVER gets out of the car. They stole my scene from me! ROBBED that's the word I've been looking for!
And Kristen needs to NEVER narrate a movie again. Ben Stein could do a better job than her! God, she's so monotonous and flaccid!
Edward's hair was ridiculous, just like Jasper's.
And what was with Edward's room? If u can call it that? Cubicle is more like it. It was supposed to be spacious, clean, tidy, with cd's from floor to ceiling. Instead it was cramped, cluttered, and had a white futon? What happened to the black couch? What that a detail to big to put into the film?
I must say that beyond the baseball scene, my next favorite moment in the movie is watching James slam Bella into the mirror wall and hearing her head crack. I think it was a case of vicariously living out my anger and aggressions toward Bella as a character in general, Kristen Stewart's heap of failure, and my overall anger toward the movie in general. I wish I'd never gone to see it.
And there's so much more, but I'm going to move on from this. I'm going to read the book again for the 5th time to rekindle my love for Twilight and I won't be seeing any more movies in the series directed by Catherine Hardwicke or acted in by Robert Pattinson or Kristen Stewart.
What a majorly stinky, steamy pile of failure and disappointment.