News from here

Mar 12, 2009 23:06

The idiot behind me starts hammering at 5.30 pm now as he gets closer to finishing the (expletive) room. I have never hears anyone put that many nails into one room (maybe the inner walls are all nails) and never known anyone to take 5 WEEKS to out a room up. He is the of the family with the screaming child.

I had a job interview today, the first one in oh, over 15 years. I was slightly late, even though I left home 90 minutes before the interview time. Good old Connex was up to its standards. I didn't over prepare, I had read just yesterday about people just parroting what they read on the companies web-site. I think I did okay, they did say they would contact my referees, I took that as good sign.

Ebay sales are still ticking over. Will still be left with most of what I started with so will have to donate to fan funds and sell at conventions! It's still very boring although I have developed a routine of sending stuff out.

Night folks.
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