(no subject)

May 18, 2011 13:31

Age: 28/29 after the Cell Saga*
Height: 5'*
Weight: 99 lbs*
Eyes: black
Hair: shaved, but black
Physical traits: the six forehead dots are moxibustion scars - he got them as a kid when he was a monk. Also, uh, HAS NO NOSE which in DB meant he couldn't smell but I have no idea how he breathes or anything. So for convenience, I'm gonna say he somehow breathes normally but cannot smell...unless I decide he can smell for purposes of hilarity later. MAYBE HE JUST HAS A SUPER TINY NOSE
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: anything up to the end of the Cell Saga, but nothing past that so far (unless you are from his canon, I forget where Vegeta and Goku are from). Exceptions are for quick fourth wall jokes/recognizing him from the series, although I'd like to keep the OMG YOU'RE FICTIONAL mentions down.
Abilities: fighting, flight, controlling his ki
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: PRETTY FUCKING POWERFUL except he's almost always suppressing it, so he'll actually feel normal/weakish until SERIOUS BATTLE BEGINS
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: always
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: again: always
Maim/Murder/Death: THAT'S WHAT KRILLIN'S HERE FOR but drop me a line first for anything beyond comic relief
Cooking: I'm gonna say he's fairly decent, since he's probably the only real cook at Kame House
Other: I'm going to use the English dub of his name, Krillin, instead of Kuririn; any and all iterations of his name will be understood (except Bongo). I will, however, use Japanese attack names!
You are also free to hear his voice as either Sonny Strait or Tanaka Mayumi (or whatever dub you grew up with). Writing-wise, his voice will be pretty much how it was done in the Funi dub because a) that's what I grew up with and b) it's hilarious. It's fairly close to him in the original anyways, just localized to early 90s America.

Note: age, height and weight from Krillin's DBZ wiki page, which supposedly got the numbers from one of the Daizenshuu.
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