(no subject)

May 18, 2011 13:29

Your Name/Alias: Fiona/robowolf
Age: 23
Character: Krillin
Series: Dragonball Z
Character Age: late 20s
Job: Esteemed Professor in Kicking the Bucket
Canon:Dragonball Z. Really, what is there to say that hasn't been said already? An alien race called the Saiyans are the strongest people ever and they fight people a whole lot. Sometimes folks bring balls together and make wishes to revive dead folks! Mostly, though, there's a lot of grunting and fighting and yelling about power levels.
One of these often dead non-Saiyans is Krillin, a really short human with no hair and even less nose. Introduced as the tricksy rival of our protagonist, Goku, Krillian quickly became the clever best friend. Although his role later in the series became more comic relief/cannon fodder, Krillin remained an important character in the series, pointing out that shit just got weird again, you guys in between getting the stuffing beaten out of him and occasionally showing off his skills as a badass normal, usually while making smart-ass remarks.
Krillin is being taken from after the Cell Saga, but before he marries his hot cyborg wife or grows his hair back.

Sample Post:
Alright, here I am at Camp Fu- uh- uhhh………let's just stick with C.F.U.D., alright? We can even put it on shirts. Unfortunately for all of us, I'm your instructor in one of those verbs - they're both verbs, right? - and even more unfortunately, I am very experienced in that…verb. Dying. Not the other one. Boy, I wish… Oh, sure, it seems simple enough, but you kids just don't know what goes into a good death. Not that any death is good, really…

To start with, try and go out fighting. Although if you can manage just the fighting part and not the "going out" part, that's great! That's really what we wanna aim for, but hey, I'm here to teach about dying, although if any of you want fighting lessons…although rotting bodies aren't all that great for fighting, to tell you the truth. Unless you wanna throw it at the enemy! Give 'em a real hand, you know what I mean?

…ahem. Anyways! Dying. Now, if you're anything like me, your deaths are gonna be pretty swift and hopefully pretty painless - you know, in the grand scheme of things. Unfortunately for those of you like me, you're gonna get beaten pretty bad first. Don't feel shy about screaming - sometimes that can help! Besides, the enemy's pretty much winning so it's not like you've got a lot to lose, you know? Except your life. But, haha, that one's pretty much a given at this point! Yup!

Man, I'm not gonna lie, kids, dying sucks. Dying mondo sucks. I'm not even talking about the actual dying part, not that it's any picnic. Unless it's a picnic with fireants and giant wasps. But the afterlife…lemme tell you straight, the afterlife is bo-o-oring with a capital B. You know how long that line is? One line! For all dead people ever! And just when you're getting to the front, then you get wished back…not to rag on life or anything, but that's just frustrating. All I'm saying, bring a book if you can.

Where was I…? Okay, I got off on a tangent there, but I think we all got the gist of what I was saying. Screaming! Do lots of it! Remember, you're about to die here, so don't get too worried about appearances or anything. This could be your last chance, so just let it all out, get everything off your chest. Take everything inside you and just scream it out. That's it, deep breaths, one, two, three-

-is that- oh geez, kid! I didn't mean "everything inside you" literally! C'mon! Maaan, I just got the blood out of this one!

And the voting post. 100% fuck yeah!
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