There are days where I assiduously fill out the day's task list, and then tackle it. And then there are days like today. Today's status:
- It is currently 11:42.
- Krystal and I are both still in our pajamas.
- One of us just went down for a nap (hint: I'm not typing in my sleep).
- Krystal tastes faintly of breakfast banana when I kiss her
- Her hairstyle is only half as bad as it was earlier, because she pulled out one ponytail.
- The sum total of my accomplishments today is that I have fed us both breakfast, and I have written one e-mail.
No to-do list in the world is going to help this morning.
Part of the struggle: Krystal is teething (still!). The dentist yesterday pointed out that it's better to get them all in "at once" than have to wait tooth by tooth. However, when "at once" means "over the course of 4-5 excruciating weeks", I have to differ. Krystal must wonder whether she is ever going to be able to bite down without aching again!
Another part of the struggle: Krystal is coming down off the high of being with her family members all day, every day, 24/7. Now we're back at home and everyone has to go to work and to school and sometimes whole minutes go by with no one playing with her or holding her and what is this world coming to??!. So I'm trying to convince her that, really, she can play for five minutes all alone. There has been some pushback in the form of sobbing, lying full-length on the floor, and attempts to bite me.
Oh, Tuesday, you are a harsh mistress.