Jul 29, 2004 02:28
It's about 2:30 in the mornin here in good ol' California, thought I'd keep people updated
So my Jim Beam story was good. However the hangover I got from the Jim Beam was a bitch. I was hungover from 4 one morning until 2 the next. That's SHITTY. So I went over to TJ's and was the only sober person there, had to watch out for people and whatnot. Jessica was there, that was nice, unfortunately she's leaving soon for that one thing. What is that... Oh yeah, the Army. WHATEVER. It's sad that she's leaving since this is the first time I've really kicked it with her since we dated for 2 weeks in 7th grade. She's a lot of fun to kick it with so it's sad that it is ending so soon. Oh well.
Tonight I saw Bourne Supremacy with Tyler, Jessica, Peter, Eric, and Dana. Not quite as action packed as the original, but a lil more suspenseful, overall a very good movie. Go see it.
My cousin and aunt are no longer staying at my house and here I am again, still not going home. Kinda strange that for several nights in a row I sleep at someone's house and never really desire my own bed.
Played that MASH game today, the one where you put down random names and cars and stuff and it determines your whole future and whether you live in a Mansion, Apartment, Shack, or House. Straight up 4th grade game, but I was being hardcore and doing it online. My results were as follows:
Significant Other: Vin Diesel
Vehicle: Voltron
Vehicle color: Blue
# of kids: 10000000 (lots of work...)
Location: F-ing Neptune
Job: Hitman
House: Mansion
Not a shabby life, but seeing as how Neptune is not exactly the most inhabited of planets I'm pretty sure my job will involve me killing several of my 10000000 kids. But at least I get a blue Voltron. That's pretty tight.
Alrighty, I've run out of things to discuss so I'm gonna stop discussing things. G'night