
Jul 18, 2004 03:15

Okay, here's some recent events

Emmah and I got back together, yay for that
I have done very little
Eric and I did some computer work
I went to Sacramento for a night w/ people
Emmah got her nose pierced
Some other stuff, don't really recall

Looks to me like some anonymous posters left me stupid comments on my last entry. Thankfully I hide all anonymous postings, especially ones from people who completely disregard guidelines

Disregard this post if you're just going to ask really dumb questions or leave really dumb comments.

Seems like a simple enough guideline, but apparently not simple enough for some. I was quite enjoying not having any comments for it was simply venting, not necessarily something that needed to be commented on, but low and behold I log in and have not one, but two people who felt compelled to speak on the subject negatively.

But oh well

Oh yes, one big fucking thing did happen since my last post

I saw Anchorman

Not really a big f-in deal, the first half of the movie was shitty, the second half was a little more humorous but didn't make up for the first half. Then I walked out of the theater to not only be blinded by the sun, but also a hideous she-beast wanting to bum a cigarette. And then I get back to my car and Eric says to me "Hey man, you left your gas door open," and I think nothing of it, until I look inside and think to myself, damn, that's shitty


It was pretty shitty since to remove my stereo involves completely pulling up my whole console and, being the clever theves that they are, they decided that instead of unscrewing the stereo, they'd take the whole rack piece that was in it which held all of my CD's. Then, to make matters a little bit worse, they realized they didn't need to cut my wires and just unplug the harnesses, and since they didn't need to cut my wires, they left the wire cutters.

The wire cutters which I will use to slowly snip their testicles off with

And they also didn't even bother to take the two DVD's I had sitting in my backseat (Butterfly Effect and We Were Soldiers) which to me is an insult. You'll take my shitty burned CD's, a few good CD's that are really scratched, some CD's that I found that were mediocre at best, and my shitty CD player, but not take two awesome brand new DVD's that were just sitting in the backseat? You thieves have poor, poor taste.

Also the stereo was stolen in the middle of the day in a crowded movie theater parking lot.

But my CD player was shit and the speakers would turn off randomly due to a loose connection, so joke's on them. I guess...

The only other thing I have really to mention is that I have been playing lots of Doom 2 lately. Damn that game is the shit.

Alrighty, until next time folks, cheers
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