Saturday picspam

May 10, 2008 12:31

Woke up at first around five this morning... took me a while to fall asleep again, but I think I managed a few more hours. Have been up since a bit past eight.

Tired, cranky (a bit of a headache - can't drink anything hot yet apparently, so no coffee), mouth tastes like something very distasteful (really wish I could brush my teeth properly again! instead of this very gentle brushing with water, which might have helped a little, but is still icky), but otherwise... well, things could be worse at this stage, I suppose. Slight tenderness still, but I wouldn't call it pain. And not bleeding today, yay.

Getting really sick of sweet stuff though, but we don't seem to have any good salty cold mushy things to eat.

Anyway, here are some more pics from last Saturday's Pärnu visit.

The Pärnu river.

Gate with shadows.

I loved the shape but the sky was totally blown in one corner, so I decided to be artistic. Umm.

Common butterbur.

A tree.




Approaching the beach.


Getting closer to the beach.

The beach.


Feels weird to have holidays. What to do with them? Should stay home for a few days, anyway, and find more mushy things to eat... can try and catch up on reading and the likes, I suppose. Would be awfully nice to get a visit from a plot bunny or two, but I'm not counting on it.

dentist, randomness, picspam

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