Oh for Goodness Sake

Apr 29, 2020 15:27

This. This is why I don't make promises. I said I was going to try and post more, but I didn't post more, because of course I didn't.

Now for a list of all the things I would have been posting on, if I posted. Bear with me, there's a lot:

Books: I have officially finished the last book of my three book novel. My gosh that was the hardest writing I've ever done. I don't know how people who write series and multi-book books do it. I think my biggest issue was not taking a break between books and writing something else, but I worried that if I did that I would lose interest in the trilogy and not finish it. But by the time I got to book three I was pretty much plowing through it because I was beyond the point of wanting this book done, now. A lesson has been learned, here - do not attempt to write a multi-book story all at once. Tak a break in between and write something else. Now that I know I can tackle multi-book works, hopefully I'll be able to take them more slowly. I'm currently working on the outline for a new story - a western fantasy - but this one's only going to be a single book long.

Cats: We have a new kitty! Well, not new now, she's been with us well over a year. I found her as a kitten outside in our driveway. I went out to feed our feral cat when I heard meowing. I called the kitten to see if it would come and this little tan and white poof trotted straight toward me and immediately began to cuddle. Even when I gave her some food, all she wanted to do was cuddle. I took her in with the intent of eventually taking her to the Humane Society (you have to keep a stray for a month in order to "surrender" it, otherwise it has to go to the animal shelter first, and I don't trust that place). I ended up keeping her because I'm pretty sure if she's not full ragdoll she's part ragdoll, and I've always wanted a ragdoll. Her name is Abby, also know as Abby-Chan, or the Abster. When we got her, we needed to take her to the vet for a checkup so she needed a name. My mom is a big NCIS fan, and since we already have a dog named Gibbs, I thought "Why not Abby?" One of these days I need to get a photo of Gibbs and Abbey with a drink labeled "Kaf-Pow" between them. Abby's favorite thing to do is steal all things small and cloth and drag it wround the house. Either that or drop it in the water bowl.

Mitsy made me think she was going to die, again. I found her down in the basement walking around like she was drunk, all wobbly and unable to keep stright. I thought for sure she was dying, I took her to the vet, and they diagnosed it as vertigo. We thought it might have been because of an ear infection, but even after getting her ears treated she was still wobbly. the only other cause, according to the vet, was that she must have suffered a stroke. This happened around last year and Mitsy' doing much better now. She's no longer wobbily and can jump just fine. Mitsy is seriously one resilient 17 year old cat, let me tell you. Even the vet was surprised with how good her heart sounded on her last visit.

Meanwhile, my poor cat Bug has to get a steroid shot every three weeks because of an immune disorder that was attacking her skin, causing rashes and fur loss. the hope is that eventually she'll reach a point where she doesn't need the shots. she was going every two weeks, but is doing fine on three weeks.

My stupid shoulder: Sometime in December I did something to my shoulder and it's still causing me discomfort today. I can move my arm just find - no pain when I do - it just... hurts. I went to the doctor, tried some medication, and I'm currently doing some therapy exercises, and while it hurts less than it did, the pain refuses to go away entirely. Most of the time it's just a dull ache or a feeling of tightness but there are days when it likes to flare up. I know there are things I'm doing that probably aren't helping, it's just figuring out what those things are that's the problem. If anyone knows anything about shoulder pain in which you can still move your arm fine, the shoulder just aches, let me know, because none of the causes I researched match what I'm going through.

Dolls: I lied when I said I probably wasn't going to get more ball jointed dolls. I now officially have five. A sixth will eventually be on its way but what with everything going on it'll be a while before it gets here, which is fine. With some of these doll companies it can take up to a year, sometimes longer, for a doll to arrive. Being a part of this particular hobby, you learn a lot of patience ^^; Here's a few photos of said dolls along with my poseable plushes. The sixth doll I don't have any photos of just yet. These dolls are a ridiculous amount of fun. I love doing photo shoots with them and the dolls I make. Plus it gives me more of an excuse to buy miniature things. I've always loved miniatures.

art, various stuff

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