Having a job is haaard!
Actually it's not hard at all and is, in fact, quite relaxing. The hard part these past two weeks have been getting a routine set in that assures I meet the quota of twenty hours per weeks. Which isn't easy since cleaning a house doesn't really take that long, and I can only go in certain days of the week. I also clean part of the church, but only the parts that get used the most during the week, and that takes even less time than the house. I think I finally have it all figured out, and just manage to get in enough hours and minutes for all of it to add up to twenty hours (with the bonus of being able to not work Friday). However, because I'm stubborn and a glutton for punishmetn I still volunteer at the Shelter on Wednesdays. I'm starting to consider maybe not going in, because last Wednesday I wore myself out like crazy and felt sick the rest of the day. Although I chalk that up to cleaning most of the church and part of the house that day, and for some reason - even though cleaning the church takes less time - it wears me out a heck of a lot more. Plus... I don't really think the church needs cleaning that often. The bathrooms, maybe. But I may just do bathrooms, office, maybe a kitchen wipe down and then go and clean the house, which takes more time but wears me out less.
I got nor writing done this week and did very little work on my dolls because I was so tired, and I seriously hope this isn't a trend with this job. My dolls have been doing great, and they've also improved now that I've finally figured out my own method for making them. It probably helps that they don't cost an arm and a leg. Some dolls cost upward to three hundred or even five hundred or more dollars. I just can't bring myself to up the price since they really don't cost that much to make, and I don't count man-hours since I make these because I enjoy making them. Really I only sell them so the house doesn't get jammed packed with dolls.
I've also finally been able to get my cats a cat condo. I've been wanting to get one forever, mostly in order to have somewhere to put the cat food where the dogs can't get to it, and also so that Pip can have an easier time reaching it (she's the cat with the deformed legs). So far, it's been a hit, specifically with Pip and Pepper.
Something I forgot to talk about was how much my Internet connection has been a nightmare. Apparently the antennea that connest to the signal is pretty much fried, and I ended up having to get an external antennea. Ugh, I really hope this doesn't mean I have to get a new laptop. It does work fine accept for the Internet, and right now I can't afford a new one :P.