Jan 03, 2017 18:06
I've never been a New Years resolution kind of person because I'll make goals whenever I dang will please, thank you very much. (Plus I'm not a big fan of New Years). But this time I... kind of, sort of did? I guess? And that is buckling down and writing up notes and outlines for new story ideas, rather than planning them a little here and there then taking notes only when I'm ready to write.
Which, technically, is a goal I actually started last year, but it was mostly world-building I'd focused on, with only a vague synopsis of what the story is about. Thing is, story ideas have been coming to me a lot quicker an a lot more put together than they used to be. Usually it takes me about a year to fully plan a story out. But recent stories have only needed a few weeks to a few days for me to flesh them out. So I don't want to focus on just world-building with only a vague synopsis, I want to get cracking on outlines.
Because I am sick and tired of having all this time to write with not a single story ready to be written. My hope is to get quite a list of story notes and outlines so that when it's time to write something else, I'll be ready to go.
Meanwhile, on a completely unrelated note, for Christmas I got Batman: Beyond the complete series. At first I was a little worried that it might not be as good as I remembered. I was wrong. I love this show. Still good as ever. Although I gotta laugh a little that the characters use flip phones.
fiction related stuff