this weekend, I did a lot of cleaning around the ol' homestead, mostly so that we could put up some halloweeny decorations. I'm not really sure why, but this year, I'm kinda in the halloweeny spirit.
in our box of halloween decorations I found some pretty funny photos... from 1988, when I was but 4.5 years old, and my sister was 8.
it's as if that, even at that wee age, I still knew that having my picture taken was awkward.
muwa ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa!!!!
I know, I'm totally intimidating. probably got rainbow brite undiepants on under that mess.
my sister kate, the sock-hop girl. I think I later jacked this costume from her for a "50s day" dress-up party in grade school.
LOVE the look on my face here. I wonder what dad said to provoke such a menacing reaction from me?
and kate's looking darling, as usual.
well children. it's been busy times around here. dad's been really busy and super internet/computer-hogger with working on this lawsuit we have going on, the trial for which should be soon next year, and he's also been doing major hunting for a new (used) car for my mom. we're looking at honda accords, black ones with leather interiors and, naturally, automatic transmission... something that won't break down like the crappy saturn keeps doing to my poor mother. we're using some of our grampy inheritance for it, and counting it as part of christmas. we actually considered getting her a black lexus, which is her dream car, but we think hondas are the better way to go. mom, being so sacrificial, isn't even letting herself think about getting excited for a new car for her. she hates having things done for her, I swear. but we just threw another $900 on the saturn for repairs, after putting down nearly $1000 for bandit's trip to the hospital. OUCH!
so, here's hoping we get a good little car sometime soon. there's a 2001 accord that dad's going to look at tomorrow. crossing fingers crossing fingers!!
I know I owe a lot of people e-mail; I'm getting on it. hang in there. bear with me.
my teeth hurt. I really must stop chewing on my plastic ties on my hoodies.
and, I've had headaches nearly everyday for a long time now. it almost always starts with my neck. I've got one right now, actually...
oh, and last night, I had a dream that my parents had set up an arranged marriage for me. we flew to this non-existant country that was like a combination of america, the middle east, and asia all in one. we were staying with my betrothed's family for wedding arrangements, I guess, because we were supposed to be married right away.
when I met my future hubby, I was confused to see that he was a tall, not badly built white guy with dark brown hair and glasses. he liked to play dungeons and dragons but he never came across as nerdy- maybe sexy nerdy, but he was so calm around me and not nervous that he didn't seem very geeky at all. I remember dad driving up to this exquisite mansion that sat on a pier. he parked some kind of luxurious car and we had to walk all the way down the pier to get to the mansion, which was so remote it was almost like being on a private island.
later that night, my hubby-to-be's family and mine went out for an exotic dinner. we sat by a guy and his very drunk girlfriend, who was dressed in a terrible looking hot pink tubetop. I was terrified that she was going to vomit. I clutched my nerdy boy's hand until she stumbled to her feet and left with her boyfriend. you know how, in dreams, you'll dream of a phsyical sensation and think you're really experiencing it? well, this dream was nice because this guy was really affectionate towards me, but not sappy. he was romantic and suave and very quiet. he communicated through his actions, like the way he'd stroke my leg or arm under the dinner table. there was a lot of physical affection in my dream- lots of snuggling, hugging, really G-rated stuff that gave me immense tremors of pleasure. I was sad that the phone rang and woke me up. it was odd how wonderful it was.
and now I want to run upstairs because I just had to swat a really dark and nasty and fairly large spider with a flyswatter and I can't find where it fell. EW!!