The Few, The Proud, The Broken 7/?

Aug 30, 2012 20:51

Title: The Few, The Proud, The Broken 7/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Jensen is a Marine suffering PTSD who just wants to be left alone. Jared is the Psychologist trying to help him.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, POW Torture, rape
Notes: Watched a local news story about returning vets that got me thinking about PTSD.
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.

After helping an exhausted and hurting Jensen into the deep Jacuzzi tub to soak Jared stalked around the cabin his whole body vibrated with anger at Jensen’s father. How could he say something so repulsive to his injured son? Everything inside Jared wanted to lash out at Alan Ackles and hurt that man he didn’t even know for what he had done to his beautiful son.
Jensen sank deep into the tub letting the hot water and churning jets ease the bone deep ache in his body. After their tussle on the kitchen floor Jared had to practically carry Jensen into the bathroom his leg refusing to hold him up on his own. He hated needing help all the time. Jensen was as stubborn as the day was long. Asking for help always left a soar taste in his mouth especially asking for help from the still wet behind the ears, puppy dog eyed handsome shrink.
Closing his eyes Jensen tried to block out the memory of the compassion mixed with rage in Jared's hazel eyes. The feeling of Jared’s tears still tingled along Jensen’s neck. The feel of his lips whispering sorry against Jensen's ear still lingered. Jared's big hands holding him like Jensen was the most precious thing in the world made his heart slam inside his chest and his stomach clinch. Slipping down below the water Jensen hoped he could soak the confusing feelings about Jared away.
Grabbing some fresh towels Jared headed into the bathroom to see if Jensen needed any help climbing out. Opening the door Jared’s heart stopped seeing only the steam of the hot water rising and not Jensen.
"NO! Jesus Jensen!" Jared scrambled to reach Jensen yanking him out of the tub.
Jensen’s eyes snapped open as the cool air hit his wet feverish skin. Arms that felt like steel bands held him tightly. "Fuck Jared! What the Hell?" Jensen sputtered as his very wet naked ass sat on Jared’s denim clad lap.
Tightening his hold as Jensen started to squirm. "Why Jensen? How could you do it? You are not alone anymore I am here for you baby." Jared pleaded his face buried in Jensen’s neck.
Jensen could feel Jared’s hot tears on his neck. They made him feel like shit even if he didn’t have a clue what he did to cause Jared’s freak out. Jensen awkwardly wrapped his arms around Jared. "Jay I have no idea what you are talking about. But whatever you think I was doing I wasn’t doing it. Come on big guy you want give this old man a clue what freaked you out before I catch a cold sitting here naked and wet?"
"You were trying to drowned yourself. I came in and your head was under the water. Jensen why?"
Jensen’s eyes went wide with shock. Jared thought he was trying to kill himself in the bath tub. "I wasn’t trying drowned myself. I had only ducked under the water about thirty seconds before you yanked me out." Jensen cupped Jared tear stained face. "I wouldn’t do that to you Doc." Without thinking Jensen pressed a soft kiss to Jared lips.
The kiss soft and sweet was like an electric shock zipping through Jared’s body. Pulling back he looked into Jensen green orbs. Moving in Jared kissed Jensen letting his tongue trace the seam of the plump lips. Jensen’s hands fisted in his hair as he open his lips giving Jared access his mouth.
The need for more made Jared pull back gasping he rested his forehead against Jensen’s. "I was so scared. I think my heart stopped."
Jensen wiggled a little very self conscience of the fact that he was butt naked sitting on Jared lap. "Jared can we continue this little heart to heart until after I’ve got some clothes on?"
Jared felt his face flame with embarrassment. He hadn’t even noticed that he had a naked Jensen sitting on his lap. Now that he was aware his cock jumped to attention. "Ah. Yeah. Sure. Of course. I didn’t realize. I mean." Jared stammered.
"You’re adorable Doc." Jensen chuckled pressing a kiss on Jared’s forehead before getting up and wrapping a towel around his waist.
"Ok then. I’ll. I’ll go make some coffee or something." Jared said rubbing the back of his neck nervously before turning and practically running out of the bathroom.
The smell of freshly brew coffee whiffed through the air as Jensen walked into the kitchen. Jared was standing in front of counter watching the dark brown liquid stream into the pot like the secrets of the universe were being in parted to him. From the tension line of Jared’s shoulders Jensen knew the big man knew he had walked into the kitchen.
"The coffee pot revealing the secrets of the universe?" Jensen asked leaning against the kitchen island.
Turning around Jared sucked in a breath. Jensen was wearing a pair of baggy sweat pants that barely hung on his slim hips and a dark grey wife beater that showed his six pack abs perfectly. Jared licked his lips to stop the drool he was sure was forming on his lips. "Jesus you are fucking wet dream Jensen."
Jensen cocked his eye brow. Jensen knew his body was covered with scars, he was most likely pale as a vampire below the neck. He was hardly anything to inspire horny thoughts. "You are a little twisted if looking at me turns you on. You have a weird scar fetish or something Doc?"
Jensen’s response saddened Jared. Jensen was beautiful in a way that made you think about fallen angels. That Jensen’s scars made him think he wasn’t handsome broke Jared’s heart. It made him want to map every one of them that scattered Jensen's body with soft kisses. Jared wanted to show Jensen he wasn’t completely broken like he thought, just a little damaged in need of repair.
"I think fetish runs a little more on the line of guys with incredible green eyes and freckles." Jensen’s eyes went wide and Jared felt his stomach clinch in nerves. "So the coffee is done. I’ll pour you a cup." Jared quickly turned around grabbing cups.
Jared’s words made Jensen’s heart start to beat faster. He felt the heat of embarrassment flush his cheeks. He was fucked up beyond belief. He had a crippled hand and leg that were nothing compared with the severe case of PTSD Jensen had. But still the young doctor looked at him with compassion, caring and amazingly a good portion of lust. Jared also inspired a good amount of lust inside Jensen which confused him.
Before his captivity the only remotely gay experience Jensen had was a circle jerk in a high school locker room after soccer practice. He had only ever been attracted to females usually red heads with impressive racks. Jared confused him with his big Rio Grande smile, dimples and flop of thick rich brown hair. Jensen wasn’t so straight he didn’t notice how good looking and sexy Jared was. Jensen also knew without a doubt that Jared deserved someone infinitely better then a broken former Marine.
"You thought I was trying to kill myself." The statement hung between them as Jared set Jensen cup in front of him.
Taking a drink before he responded Jared tried to find the right words to convey what he had felt stepping into the bathroom and seeing Jensen submerged completely in the steaming water. Jared knew his heart had stopped for a second. Even with all his knowledge of the human psyche and how emotions over rode common level headed thoughts. Jared didn’t know how to explain how even before he met Major Jensen Ackles the man had reached into his heart.
"I. Shit. When Mike gave me your file to review three months ago I already had a rough plan on how I was going to help you. Based on the few conversations Mike and I had. Then I opened the file and the first thing I saw was your Marine photo." Jared paused feeling his face flush. He was about to tell Jensen that he popped a boner just from his picture.
"A guy in uniform does it for you." Jensen smirked.
"Not any guy in uniform. Just you." Jared smiled as Jensen blushed a delicate pink.
"I read every piece of paper in your file. I know you never missed a target 27 confirmed kills. I know you had two weeks left before you would have been discharged when you were captured. I know from a personal letter sent to Mike from a Master Sergeant Samuel Hanna that you intentionally put yourself in the path of the blast caused by the Seal team sent in to get you. They tagged you on the opposite side of the blast. But when they hit the facility you were in the blast zone. How did you know they were coming?"
"It wasn’t intentional. One of the guards had come in and dragged me into the center of the room. He was preparing me for weekly visits." Jensen felt the shame and rage wash over him. After his hand was smashed and Mullah Omar had his jollies shoving a club up Jensen’s ass. The Taliban leader decided he liked seeing the dirty American being violated that way. Twice a week for his time in captivity Omar and his body guard would come and tie Jensen down and rape him.
Jared reached across the table covering Jensen’s clinched hand in his. "Why did the Seal team leader say you moved into the blast zone yourself?"
Jensen looked at him his green eyes cold and angry. "Because that’s what I told him. I asked him to just shot me and tell everyone I was killed by my captors."
Jared felt tears start to fall down his face. "Thank God he didn’t."
"No Sam Hanna picked me up over his shoulder and carried me out. Never said a word to me. But he held onto me until we made it to the base at the Afghan border." Jensen pulled his hand away from Jared’s. "You think I am suicidal. I haven’t been in a long time Jared. You are going to laugh at the reason why. I don’t want to disappoint my Dad any more then I already have. Proves how fucked up I truly am doesn’t?" Jensen gave a humorless laugh.
Jared moved around the table coming to stand in front of Jensen. He cupped Jensen beautiful face in his hands. Jared leaned forward pressing his lips to Jensen’s softly. Pulling back "Fucked up or not your still the bravest man I have ever met." Jared leaned down for another kiss.
The sound of Jared’s cell phone ringing pulled the two men back from the tender kiss. Jared looked at the display it was Mike. "Hey Mike."
"Jared you have to come back." Mike voice was serious.
"Why? We’ve only been up here for three days. We still have three more." Jared grabbed Jensen’s waist as the man tried to slip away to give him privacy for his phone call.
"Milo broke into your office and trashed it." Mike sighed
Jared could tell there was more. "What else Mike?" Jared asked lacing his fingers through Jensen left hand.
"Milo broke in trashed the office then sat in your chair and blew his brains out." Jared’s knees buckled and he fell to the floor.

the broken, the few, the proud

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