The Few, The Proud, The Broken 6/?

Aug 26, 2012 15:18

Title: The Few, The Proud, The Broken 6/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Jensen is a Marine suffering PTSD who just wants to be left alone. Jared is the Psychologist trying to help him.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, POW Torture, rape
Notes: Watched a local news story about returning vets that got me thinking about PTSD.
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.

Jared left Jensen on the sofa while he made dinner cursing himself for going with impulse to kiss the older man. When Jensen wasn’t under the effects of the pain killers he was probably going to punch Jared in the face in retaliation. The thought that Jensen would leave was making Jared nauseas’.
The smell of garlic and oregano floated through the air making Jensen’s stomach grumble. His brain felt like it was wrapped in jello. He could feel the pain meds wearing off as the ache in his leg was slowly remerging. Groaning Jensen started to push himself up from the sofa.
"Hey Jensen wait let me help you." Jared rushed over to the sofa sticking his big hand out for Jensen to grab.
Jensen stood up stumbling into Jared wrapping his arms around the doctor’s slim waist letting his head fall against the broad chest. Can we just stand here a moment Doc? Haven't quite got my sea legs back." Jensen chuckled at his own bad humor.
"I am not doing much at the moment. So yeah take your time. Just think of me as your personal leaning post." Jared wrapped his arm around Jensen’s waist.
Jensen sagged a little into Jared supportive embrace. He slid his fingers through the belt loops of Jared jeans as Jared pulled him closer. Taking a deep breath Jensen was hit with warm spicy scent of Jared’s skin. Before he could censor the action Jensen buried his nose into Jared’s neck.
"You smell good." Jensen murmured into Jared’s neck.
A hot tingle shot through Jared straight to his cock as Jensen’s lips ghosted over the skin on his neck. Instinctively he pulled Jensen closer turning his head so his lips grazed the shell of Jensen’s ear. "Thank you." Jared growled.
The sound to the oven timer going off made Jared groan. "Fuck. I’ve got to get the bread out of the oven."
Jared waited until Jensen pushed him back. "Go. I’m good."
Slowly following behind Jared Jensen tried to push what had almost happened out of his head. They had been seconds away from Jared kissing him. His lips tingled at just the thought of Jared’s kiss. Shaking his head Jensen focused on the delicious smell of garlic, butter and spaghetti sauce coming from the kitchen. Food was a much safer topic then thinking about the sexy young doctor.
Dinner was baked rigatoni and garlic bread with a fresh garden salad. Jared was so nervous waiting for Jensen to take his first bite. He hoped he didn’t give the Major food poisoning. "So how does it taste?"
The first word that came to Jensen mind was heaven. The pasta was done just right, the sauce was a delicious mix of tangy tomato and salty garlic. "This is amazing Jared."
Jared blushed. "Thank you. I was nervous that i screwed it up. It’s Mike’s nana’s recipe."
"If this is her recipe I might have to marry her." Jensen joked.
"I’m pretty sure Tom already has dibs on her." Mike’s grandmother was like the tiny Italian woman on the TV show ‘Golden Girls’. She loved Tom to death always telling Mike he better be treating the boy right or she would tan his hide.
Jared waited until Jensen was almost done with his meal before he started a conversation that he knew would probably upset him. So far the most he had gotten Jensen to reveal about is nightmares is that he didn’t want to talk about them. He needed to get the stubborn man to open up.
"Jensen can I ask you a question? I don’t want to upset you but as your doctor I need to know so we can deal with it and get past it." Jared started.
His body tensed as Jensen set his fork down pushing his plate away. He had the feeling he wasn’t going to like the question Jared had for him. "You can ask whatever you want Doc. I don’t promise to answer, but you can ask."
Taking a deep breath Jared asked. "When you were held captive were you sexually assaulted?"
Jensen howled lunging over the table at Jared knocking all the dishes to the floor. "You fucking son of a bitch! What the fuck Doc you a God damn pervert or something?" Jensen growled down into Jared stunned face his fist cocked back ready to deliver a punch to Jared’s face.
Jared’s heart broke unshed tears shimmered in Jensen green eyes. He could see the anger was all the pain and humiliation Jensen felt aside. Anger was an easy emotion to control. It was a shield that kept all the other pain, fear and hate at bay. Jared fought the tears forming in his own eyes. Reaching up Jared wrapped his arms around Jensen’s neck burying his face against his chest.
"Fucking let go!" Jensen snapped starting to struggle against Jared’s octopus like hold. The harder he struggled to be released the tighter Jared held him. Jensen could feel Jared’s tears dampening the front of his shirt. "Let me go! You don’t know shit about me."
"Your are Major Jensen Ross Ackles. A hero in every one’s eyes but your own." Jared spoke softly his lips brushing against Jensen’s neck. "Doesn’t matter what happened to you. All that matters is that you survived Jensen. You survived."
"Not a man if you let that happen to you. Keep your fucking mouth shut about taking it up the ass. Don’t bring that shame home." Jensen voiced the words his own father had said to him while he laid in a hospital bed in Walter Reed.
The words hit Jared like a freight train. Who could say that to a soldier who survived not only being held captive but an explosion that freed him. "Anyone who said that to you deserves to be punched. Who said that to you?" Jared asked holding Jensen tighter.
"My father said that. The one and only time he came to the hospital to see me." Jensen answered letting his body sag down against Jared.TBC>>>

the broken, the few, the proud

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