Title: The Few, The Proud, The Broken 4/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Jensen is a Marine suffering PTSD who just wants to be left alone. Jared is the Psychologist trying to help him.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, POW Torture, rape
Notes: Watched a local news story about returning vets that got me thinking about PTSD.
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.
Sweat rolled down Jensen’s face his eyes darted from corner to corner in the pitch darkness. He could hear the heavy Urdu dialect of his captors from somewhere beyond his cell. The door at the far end of the room opened and a fat greasy looking guy in a dirty turban and bushy beard walked in.
Walking directly over to Jensen the guy glared down at him. "Dirty American pig." He spat out.
"Allah better stand downwind from you buddy. The stench is a little much." The words were barely out of Jensen’s mouth his head was snapping back from a knee to the jaw.
Jensen woke up strapped face down over a table his pants pulled down to his ankles, his ass bare. His heart raced as panic hit him. Struggling against his bindings. "AH! FUCK! NO! AH!" Jensen screamed as something hard wide and jagged was shoved into his ass.
Jensen’s frantic motion in the throes of a brutal nightmare made Jared pull the SUV over. "Jensen. Jensen. Wake up come on wake up. It’s not real anymore." Jared kept his voice as calm as he could.
"Fuck! NO!" Jensen’s screamed his eyes snapping open. "Shit!
Christ, Sorry." Jensen swore his breath coming in pants.
"That was some nightmare you were having. Was it memories from your captivity?" Jared asked his fox likes eyes soft with concern.
Jensen tensed "Fucking unicorns. Stampede of them. Rainbows and sparkles. Too much cheer gives me hives." Jensen scoffed his eyes not meeting Jared’s.
"Unicorns? What about clowns? Clowns creep me out." Jared gave Jensen a sheepish look as he pulled the SUV back into traffic.
A warm chuckle filled the car. "Clowns are creepy. IT totally freaked me out as a kid." Jensen let out a breath when it seemed Jared wasn’t going to press him about his nightmare.
The rest of the drive to the lodge was spent bickering over what radio station to listen to. Jensen preferring a classic rock station Jared wanting Alternative. They settled on a sports talk radio station that was doing a preview of the coming NFL season.
When they finally made it to the dirt road that winded up to the lodge Jared was hoping it was the right dirt road. His GPS had gotten really vague once they crossed the Canadian border. He was afraid he was going to have to call Mike and tell him to send a search party Jared had gotten lost in the wilds of Canada.
"That’s like the millionth time you have checked your GSP man. Did you forget where your cabin was?"
Embarrassment colored Jared’s face. "Ah about the lodge. It’s not really mine. It’s Dr. Rosenbaum’s. I’ve only been there once about five years ago. I, I lied, but I didn’t want you to leave. I want to help you. Because you served our country with honor and bravery and you deserve to be treated right. It’s not your fault your psychic is a little tattered. I mean whose wouldn’t be..." Jared paused his face started to heat with the embarrassment he was feeling. "Shit I was rambling. Sorry I do that when I am nervous."
Jensen sat slack jawed for a moment. The young doctor could really talk. "You aren't going to pass out on me from lack of oxygen are you?" Jared shook his head. "Good. Is there fishing at Doctor Rosie’s? Because I was really looking forward to fishing. If there isn’t any fishing then I might have to kill you and bury you in the woods."
Jared chuckled nervously. "Fishing is a definite. Tom caught at 32 pound Northern last spring." Jared looked out at the pitch darkness of the road in front of them. "Of course if I got us lost we have a better chance of getting eaten by Big foot then fishing."
"Give me the GPS. I am sure I can find the cabin before you have to start with cannibalism." Jensen smiled at Jared’s confused look.
"Cannibalism? What the hell?"
"Oh you’re talking about the one from the 60’s Paterson film. I thought you were talking about your gigantic ass. My bad." Jensen laughed at Jared’s scowl.
"Hardy Har Har. You’re a fucking comedian." Jared said.
"Turn your brite’s on and keep going on this road."
The cabin looked massive even in the dark. Jared fumbled for his flash light so he could find the hiding place for the spare key. "Shit!" he grumbled running his shin into the deck.
"You ok? What? where you are going." Jensen stopped just inches from running into Jared’s back.
"Watch where I am going. It’s so dark out here I can’t see my hand in front of my face." Jared reach down for a grey rock sitting under a pine bush. He felt the plastic rock flashing the light on it showed a silver key sat snuggly in the rock. "Found the key."
Both men collasped into the guest beds exhausted from the long drive. Jensen didn’t even kick his shoes off before he planted face first on the large bed. Jared shucked his jeans and shoes off before lying straight across the bed.
The sun had barely begun to push its way past the night sky when Jared was jerked awake by a pain filled scream. Jumping up he ran to the room Jensen had picked. Jensen was curled in a tight fetal position whimpering.
Jared causally moved to the side of Jensen’s bed. Kneeling down Jared placed his hand on Jensen’s sweat soaked back. "Jensen. Jensen wake up. Come on baby." Jared whispered stroking his hand down Jensen’s flank.
Trapped in the horror of his nightmare Jensen grabbed Jared’s hand yanking him hard on to the bed. His finger’s curled around Jared’s neck. Struggling to breath Jared looked up into Jensen unfocused green eyes. Bucking up Jared wrapped his long legs around Jensen using his height he twisted until Jensen released his hold on his neck and fell to the floor.
"Shit! Fuck!" Jared gasped to catch his breath.TBC>>>