The Few, The Proud, The Broken 3/?

Aug 17, 2012 19:22

Title: The Few, The Proud, The Broken 3/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Jensen is a Marine suffering PTSD who just wants to be left alone. Jared is the Psychologist trying to help him.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, POW Torture,
Notes: Watched a local news story about returning vets that got me thinking about PTSD.
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.

With a lot of cajoling from Jared the emergency room doctor agreed to admit Jensen overnight for observation. Of course the Major wasn’t happy with it. But Jared threatened to have him arrested for assault if he didn’t agree to stay.
Jensen sat on the adjustable hospital bed with a stark white t-shirt stretched across his chest. He held the TV remote in his left hand glaring at the tiny nurse getting his vitals and chattering away at him in an overly cheerful voice. When she made a grab for his right Jensen yanked it away.
"Not that hand." Jensen growled offering her his left wrist to her to take his pulse.
Watching the exchange from the hall Jared marveled at how beautiful Jensen Ackles was. Sure he had scars. One ran from his hair line to mid forehead but it was so faded it was barely noticeable. His right hand was thick was scar tissue wrapping around his palm like a spider web. The dark rings under his jade green eyes were a silent testament that the Major didn’t sleep as much as he should.
"Oh my Doctor Padalecki what happened to your face?" Jared yanked back from his thoughts by the surprised worried voice of Nancy Kirkpatrick as the nurse came out of Ackles room.
Jensen looked out of his room seeing the giant doctor speaking to the tiny nurse. "I happened to his face sweetheart." Jensen growled loud enough to be heard into the hall.
"Oh My God! Should he be in restraints? Is he dangerous?" Nancy asked Jared moving skittishly behind the large doctor.
"We just had a miss understanding Nancy. In fact I kinda deserved it." Jared answered putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
"Damn right you did. Fucking asshole." Jensen growled again feeling his temper start to rise. He hated being talked about when he was right there to hear it.
Jared waved Nancy off stepping into the hospital room sheepish smile on his face. Jensen scowled at him his amazing green orbs darkening to that dangerous green tinged hue the sky to before a tornado hit. Moving closer to the bed Jared sat down in the visitor’s chair. "How are you feeling Major Ackles?"
"Like I just got zapped with 50,000 volts by a sweaty bald gorilla. Nut shell fucking fabulous Doc. How about you?" Jensen’s sarcasm dripping venom from every word.
Leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees hand carded together Jared looked at Jensen for a moment. "My face fells like Urijah Faber used it for a punching bag." Jared laughed at Jensen’s look of shock. "What? just because I am doctor I can’t follow the UFC. ‘The California Kid’ is one Badass little shit."
"Saw him fight back in his Outlaw days before I shipped out the first time with a couple of friends." Jensen shared before cursing under his breath to shut the fuck up. Give the doc an inch from the looks of him Padalecki would take a mile.
"So I want to explain why I took that course of action I did this morning." Jared started ignoring Jensen’s mumbled curses.
"You are a dick." Jensen offered.
"Dr. Rosenbaum asked me to look into your medical records and to review them." Jared started again.
"Oh I bet that was a real page turner Doc. Was ‘FUBAR’ stamped on the cover? Bet reading it kept you up on all night speculating on how truly fucked up Major Jensen Ackles is." Jensen snapped throwing the stark white sheet back swinging his legs off the bed. "I am going home. Not really feeling the hospital stay at the moment. Make sure you give the cops the right apartment number. I don’t want you scaring my neighbors."
Jared reached out his long fingers curling around Jensen’s right wrist. "Jensen please calm down. Listen to me please."
Jensen looked down at the hand holding his gimp hand. "Let me go or lose the arm Doc. I ain’t fucking kidding." Jensen said his deep voice deadly calm and frosty was the North Pole.
Dropping Jensen's arm like he burnt his hand Jared took a cautious step back. "Sorry Major. Please stay so we can monitor any effects the stun gun jolt might have."
"Cut the crap Doc you want me committed. My shocking morning just makes it easier for the other doctors to sign off on it. I am not going to sit a little room and spill my demons to a circle of other crazies. Talking to stranger’s about what I see when I close my eyes, what I see when I looked at my fucked up hand and leg isn’t going to make anything easier for me." Jensen grabbed his jeans from the room’s small closet.
Jared growled with frustration. His first day with the Major and he was about blow it. "Come with me to my grandfather’s fishing lodge in Alberta. Just for one week. It will be just me and you." Jared blurted out before he could stop his mouth.
It took a moment for Jared’s words to sink in. When they did Jensen was sure he heard the Doc wrong. "What?"
Taking a deep breath because Jared really hadn’t had more than a second of thought about taking the battered Major to the lodge before the offer was out of his mouth. Jared rubbed the back of his neck shifting his weight from one foot to the other in nervously. "Come with me to my families fishing lodge. Just for a week. It’s secluded and private. No group sessions’ no pressure. Just two guys relaxing and maybe doing a little fishing."
Jensen almost laughed at how much like a teenager asking someone on a date for the first the tall handsome doctor acted. Jared even had the a hint of an embarrassed blush peaking on his cheeks. Jensen sat down on the bed pulling his jeans on grabbing his t-shirt before answering.
"Ok. I’ll go. But only if we leave now. By now I mean we walk out of the hospital and we drive until we get to the lodge." The need to get out of the hospital, out of the city gnawed at Jensen.
"Ok give me an hour to get you discharged and we can blow this pop stand." Jared said fishing his cell phone out of his pocket after Jensen nodded his head in agreement.
"Mike I need you to run by my place and pack some clothes for me. Do you know where Jensen lives? He’ll need stuff to." Jared started to ramble as soon as Michael Rosenbaum answered.
"What are you talking about Jared?"
"Jensen agreed to go away with me. Oh shit. Can I borrow your cabin in Alberta? I kinda told him it was mine."
"Did Ackles hitting you cleaned your clock and scrambled your brains Jay?" Mike asked waving Tom over.
"No! Look Mike he was about to bolt on me. I said the first thing that popped into my head. Please." Jared sounded desperate.
After a moment Mike agreed. "Fine I’ll bring the stuff and the keys to the lodge."TBC>>>>

the broken, the few, the proud

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