The Few, The Proud, The Broken 2/?

Aug 15, 2012 19:24

Title: The Few, The Proud, The Broken
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Jensen is a Marine suffering PTSD who just wants to be left alone. Jared is the Psychologist trying to help him.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, POW Torture,
Notes: Watched a local news story about returning vets that got me thinking about PTSD.
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.

Pounding on his apartment door echoed ten times loader in his head. Jensen pulled his pillow over his face trying to block the throbbing that was like an ice pick in his temple. With a groan Jensen throw the pillow on the floor getting up.
"Who ever is pounding on the door better have a great life insurance policy and made his peace with God." Jensen grumbled as stumbled toward the door not bothering to pull on his discarded jeans. If his visitor didn’t want to see his baggy boxers then they should have stayed home.
"Jesus! Fuck! Stop with the knocking already!" Jensen snapped yanking the door open only to come face to face was a smiling scruffy faced Jeffrey Dean Morgan. "Morgan What the fuck man?"
"Well good morning to you too sunshine." Jeff said pushing past Jensen into the apartment.
Shutting the door. "What the hell are you doing here?" Jensen asked sleepy scowl on his face.
Reaching out Jeff ruffled Jensen’s bed head. "You’re cute when you’re grumpy. Doctor Rosy sent me to make sure you make your appointment this morning."
"Not going. I have things to do today." Jensen followed Jeff into the kitchen.
Jeff opened the fridge taking out the gourmet Turkish coffee Jensen favored. After getting a pot of coffee started Jeff turned and looked at the disgruntled man. "Oh really, like what? Riding the train all day, walking along the lake? Jensen you need to start making your appointments with the Doc and with me or you’re going to lose you benefits."
"And you care why?" Jensen snapped.
"Because I do. I like you Jensen. I think you got a raw deal. Let us help you." Jeff answered crossing his arms over his broad chest.
Jensen looked at the older man a frown on his face. Jeff had that determined I am not budging look on his face he used to get patients to work harder at a task. "You are a fucking bully you know that." Jensen grumbled taking his cup of coffee with him into the bathroom to shower.
The VA hospital was sprawling complex of tan sandstone and grey granite. Just driving through the parking lot made Jensen tense beside Jeff. The wing that held all the mental health departments was set slightly apart from the rest of the buildings like the government didn’t want the crazy to mix with the regular medical services offered.
"So what is the big deal going on today that Dr. Rosenbaum sent you to retrieve me?" Jensen asked blowing the smoke from his cigarette out the car window.
Jeff chuckled a bit before answering. Jensen was not going to like his answer. But if anyone could get Jensen’s head screwed on straight it would be the kid. Dr. Jared Padalecki was an out and brawler to boot when it came to his patients. So the kid’s first offensive action on taking over Jensen’s case was to get the Marine admitted for observation. Jeff shook his head when he had heard that. There was going to be fireworks once they got inside.
"Doc brought someone in to consult on a few of his patients. Dr. Padalecki just wanted to meet everyone before he got to work." Jeff explained evasively.
"Great another head shrinker. Like Rosenbaum and his lackey Welling weren’t a big enough pain in my ass.
Tom Welling was Dr. Rosenbaum’s assistant. He took the doctors notes and transcribed them. Rosenbaum had sever dyslexia. Welling also kept Rosenbaum from going crazy himself by keeping his calendar and basically organizing his life. A lot of the VA staff speculated that they were really lovers but no one knew for sure.
"I’m telling you Jay blindsiding Jensen like this is not going to get you off on the right foot with him." Mike said sipping his coffee.
"Let me worry about Jensen Mikey. That’s what you called me in for isn’t it? Jensen was slipping through your fingers and something drastic needed to be done." Jared said twirling his pen between his long fingers.
"I’ll say something nice at your funeral." Mike chuckled at his own morbid sense of humor.
Walking into the clinic Jensen had the same feeling he got when something was about to go to shit. Just inside the doors four orderly’s stood like the Steelers’ Iron curtain. A very tall man with broad handsome feature’s, fox like hazel eyes and chocolate brown hair that brushed his shoulders stood just in front of the four orderly’s.
"Major Ackles I am Dr. Jared Padalecki." Jared held out his hand to possibly the most beautiful man he had ever seen.
"What the fuck is this?" Jensen growled ignoring the out stretched hand.
The orderly’s moved making a semi-circle around Jensen. Jeff took a defensive stance behind him. He wasn’t sure if he was going to help the Doc or Jensen just yet. Jensen made the decision for him when he lunged at Padalecki. "Son of a Bitch Jen!" Jeff swore grabbing Jensen around the waist. Jensen slammed his head back right into Jeff’s nose.
Swinging his body to the left Jared dodged Jensen as the other held him. "Calm down Major. I have no problem sedating you."
"Fuck you!" Jensen snarl then doubled over as one of the burly orderly’s hit him with a stun gun jolt and everything went black.
"What the fuck Albert!" Jeff snapped crouching down next to Jensen’s prone body checking his pulse. Blood trickled down from his nose Jeff wiped it with his sleeve.
"He charged the Doc." Albert was Jared’s height 6’6 with the body mass of a brick wall his bald head shiny like a brand new billiard ball.
"I had him asshole!" Jeff snapped. "Hey Jen. Come on buddy open your eyes." Jeff tapped the side of Jensen’s face.
Jared dropped to his knees next to Jensen’s prone body. His heart slammed inside his chest cursing himself for his big stupid plan that had seriously gone sideways. "We need to get him into an exam room."
"Shit! Fuck!" Jensen moaned his eyes slowly opening. "I hope you didn’t kiss me with a bloody nose Jeff, because that’s just gross." Jensen grumbled seeing Jeff leaning over him like he was Prince Charming and Jensen was Sleeping Beauty.
"Major are you ok?" Jared asked his concerned face pushing Jeff’s out of Jensen’s line of sight.
"Fucking peachy." Jensen snapped his left hand coming up connecting with Jared’s temple.TBC>>

the broken, the few, the proud

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