i'm not sure of anyone, but i've got plans.

Oct 30, 2006 17:53

last week was incredibly busy. i didn't have a full day of school all week, which was wonderful. Friday we headed to Conway for basketball. we had games Fri & Sat there so we stayed over night in this skank motel. It could have been really fun, but a certain someone made sure to make it as unpleasant as possible. im pretty sure people are intentionally trying to piss me off these days. oh well. anyways so both teams won both days and after that was all said and done me, michelle, & Summer went to my aunts in conway and ate with my family and all that. Then us 3, matthew, kurt, and brooke came back home in my family's huge traveling van. we call it the tank. it wasnt too bad though. When we got back to town we went to Taco Bell and they didnt give Summer her nachos so we went back and just cut in front of this old guy to just get the nachos and i guess he thought we were gonna steal his food so he just pulled out of line and drove off and gave us this bad look. so we felt like shit about that. Then Addie came and met us and we went to walmart and bought 2 pumpkins. Then we get pulled over. We didnt know if it was cuz we ran a yellow light or what but the cop informs Summer that she was driving without her headlights on. So we drove all the way through town without the headlights turned on lol. it was so embarrassing.  We came back here and all passed out cuz we were exhausted from the games. We woke up late this morning ordered pizza and summer had to go home so me,addie, & michelle carved the pumpkins.

tomorrow is pajama day at school & im looking forward to it. I'm also giving blood tomorrow & then going to cheer practice and probably running my ass off cuz all the trouble we got into this weekend. Then im coming home and showering and i think we're gonna go trick-or-treating so hopefully i can pull a costume together.

k well i guess thats all i got so heres pictures.

so i wrote michelle a fashion violation cuz she was wearing fleece pants with shocks.

before the drug free pep rally.

me on the toilet.

the chanel freak. on the bus to conway.

addie. doin the shocker of course.

so we get bored on the bus and autumn was michelles hands.

michelle & Autumn

me, michelle, & summer and some other cheerleaders.

even more cheerleaders

summer, austin, justin, me & michelle

late night snack at Denny's in conway

summer in some sweet shades before we left my aunts in conway. you can see my grandma in the background lol

Laci lookin hot as Rainbow Brite.

Addie & her babies.

carving pumpkins right after we woke up.


the finished product. the retarded one is addie's. its supposed to be a cyclopse. The one on the right is mine & chelles.

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