so freaking bored.

Oct 20, 2006 10:51

1. Male friend: Travis
2. Female friend:  Addie & Summer
3. Vacation: panama city with sum & kerry
4. Age: i dunno i liked 14 a lot, but i like being able to drive.
5. Memory: way tooo many.

1. Hair style: uhhh my 2nd grade hair. i don't even wanna talk about it.
2. Day of the week: the weekends cuz i get depressed.
3. Fear: ghosts, being alone, the ocean...
4. Memory: i dunno
5. Boyfriend or girlfriend: Mark

1. Person you talked on the phone with: David
2. Kissed: i dont wanna say cuz no one really knows about it lol
3. Hugged: David
4. Email: i dont know.
5: IM: Emily Heard

1. Serious boyfriend or girlfriend? Chad if you wanna call that serious.
2. Car: mitsubishi eclipse
3. First school: Skyline Heights
4. Job: babysitting

1. What are you doing now: waiting on my cinnamon rolls to get done.
2. Tonight: cheering at fayetville christian.
3. Wearing: right now A&F pajama pants and NACC cheer camp shirt

1. Is: Friday
2. Got any plans: cheer practice then cheering at the game then something but i have to be in bed early cuz of theACT.
3. Goal: studying for my ACT a lil bit
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: not being able to stay out.
5. Do you have work: nah.

1. Number: 8
2: Song: i have too many. hands down is one of my all time favorites.
3. Color: yellow
4. Season: Spring
5. State: Alabama

1. Rather be: with *him*
2. Have a crush: ohh yeah a bad one =(
3. Talking to any one: emily
4. Mood: : lazy
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