Oct 28, 2001 02:30
wel today constisted of me wakin up on chris' floor in a blanket with my nuts vibrating and having to pis like never before at 1pm. im to lazy to get up so i just way there until the phone rings and chris gets up i actually stayed there for quite some time i get my shit together and walk home i get to my house to my mom spazin out shes so fuckin mad at me she went to work on the weekend. she finally goes from work to UA hah AU to UA and goes to a movie with her friend. how great what a perfect chance the explorer is left all by its lonesome i just happen to kno were the spare key is. i take a nice little ride around to nick lookin 4 some1 to join in the fun with. owell i came home what do u kno jacque gets online (my princess and god) so she sid she was goin to nicks to c her lover Maciej. hey what u kno a nother excuse to go have some fun i make it to nicks in 7min haha what an acomplisnment.i get ther ryte when jacque is goin in the door damn she dont get to join in the fun so i hang a nice u turn listen to nelly. i parked down by north bethesda so nicks mom wouldent kno i goinside talk 4 like 2 min thain hall ass to the car not "the car" but the car and hang another u turn towards jacques thain make nother 1 so im facin north bethesda hum maby nick macje n jacque will come outside by them selves oh wait they do whats this so im drivin up. FUCKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!! nicks mom starts comeing out the door ahhh cant let her c me drivein i flored it did about 50 to a nice stop at stop sing thain another flooring the cars pullin about 6,000rpm's i leave every 1 in like con fusion but no 1 cares, all they saw was a green n black streak with some lights. drivin home wait did i froget MY FCKIN MOM IS ON HER WAY HOME I M DOIN NOW ABOUT 65-75 DOWN GREEN TREE A 30MPH ZONE. wooh i make the nicest reverse of my life all the way up my street into drive way. thain i wait 4 ppl to get home every 1 gets on at bout 12-1 i was talkin to jaque and im bored my moms home aleep same with my broi say hum i bet i can pull it off again i put the bitch in neutral coast to the bottom of my street. put it in park start the fucker n hall ass back to nicks n jacques on the way who might i c danny the wrestler i wonder what hes doin out i talked to him 4 a sec his ass wanted a ride but who do i look like jesus? haha i leave him there n go hom lets c how the fuck am i gonna do this 1, i reverse back up my treet and take a short cut across mt lawn ahah a whole 3feet and park like never b 4 perfect shell never kno so here i am now just chillin typen to you folks and what fuckin time is it now if its daylight savings??? night to all expecally my godess jacque. if you listen to emo shit you have no buisness talkin shit about any band expecally anti-flag even tho they r preachy. i love you people who read my journal thankyou 4 being my friends and dont hate arab people they r the shit