fuck i hate lifeits lookin grim again

Oct 24, 2001 23:49

yesterday i got my piss and blood test to c how long before i die they sis not that long past 50 i have a deteriating liver( a liver difficancy) they r tryin to put e on organ donar recipiant list but i think im just gonna drink it then get a new 1 if i do get 1 that would b kool shit. they took a pt of blood thain as i was leaving i couldent feel my head so i stuck a pin ni it opened the hole back up and let a lot of blood i got to wj and i couldent c skin color it was all red. thain i chilled wth chris. today i chilled with my god jacqueline norris as usal an nick ross dan went to mall. thain went to chrises we went round raping leaves till that got old so we went to nicks raped his trashcans at about 30 thain 1 got stuck and it went 4 a nice 0-50 ride in 5 seconds halfway up johnson. tomarro night im gonna try and have some fun a lil explorer race im gonna killevery thing i c. my bros can moms other car both wont fuckin start how annoying. i wanna drive god damnit. haloween is comein up and im goin as a crusified jesus, we gonna get a lots of candy im gonna carve a nice pumpkin tomarro i lubed up the chainsaw and every thinh ahaha. im tryin to find a job get the cash flo u kno the deal even tho im the lat person who needs money. well to whomever bye
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