Oct 25, 2005 15:10
Wow these "mood swings" really amaze me sometimes, yesterday and earlier today, I felt like crap.. and I just wanted to go hide. But now I am really happy. Weird huh.
I still really want my phone back though. But I guess thats what I get for not doing what I'm suppose to. I don't know why I never learn. This has happened before, but I never learn. Figures.
I've been hearing a lot of things lately. Last night my little cousin David called and he was like "Danielle! Guess what! I got a dirtbike jersey!" And I thought he said he got bit by a turkey. Oh wow. So I asked him, "You got bit by a turkey?!" And he says.. " No, I got a dirtbike jersey." I am good. I still think that is really funny though.
<3 Dani