Oct 25, 2005 12:58
Yeah I just finished my research paper, all I have to do now is finsih my notecards.. which is kind of backwards becasue we're suppose to do those before the paper. I just never use them when I write the papers anyways. So i do them when I'm done.. oh well. Last night when I got home, I didn't bleach the sink when I was done with the dishes.. yeah bleach the sink, my mom makes me wash the sink when I'm done washing the dishes, but I didn't so she got mad and took my phone away. I was so freaked out becasue I had some text messages that I really didn't want my mom to see on there, so when she got up and went to the bathroom later on, i jumped up and went to her purse, took it out, and deleted everything, and then turned it off. Wow that could of been bad. Like the messages weren't that bad, but I know my mom would take it the wrong way. W/e. But class is almost over, so later!
<3 Dani