May 25, 2004 02:05
so much beer, so little time!
so here's the update on the party scene lately...i arrived home from leadershape, went to babysit and came home to a party...later to be called "sloshed saturday" it was just a few people hanging out drinking a little. i definitely stayed up until about 3 stuff!! it was a fun night however. i had the chance to meet some new people. Tim was here, shane and bret showed up. it was good times!! i headed off to work the next am then my mom, dad, and g-pa came to visit and i got to have a fabulous dinner at red lobster!! up for great food...for free!! then i headed off to work the next am for more fun at bennigan's then i came home to more drinking that night! this soon came to be known as "drunken monday". i'm not really sure what all happened that night...ahhh yes...this is the night we started the quote board! some fun quotes ended up on that. "...and the pepperoni used to come under the cheese, don't even gimme that shit, matt!" thanks dgaken. also a quote from Bal..."where's the corona?" as he picks up all of our furniture looking for his beer...hahaha...and of course my quote...which was the first to hit the quote board..."i wanna play with the 'puss'" the background on this is the "octopus" which is Dan and Bal's newest beer bong which has three tubes coming from enough to hold 16 or so beers...holy shit...that's a ton of beer. so i was simply stating that i wanted to play with it...since we call it the "puss" for short! hahaha!! then we took a break on tuesday night...i did however have a beer with my dinner...not much...but it's basically all i had to drink in the apartment. mmmm...mmmm...good. we were supposed to play volleyball on tuesday, but the sand court was a little soaked, and by the time i arrived at sterling they were playing basketball...just sort of goofing around! i crashed sort of early on kim's bed with her and courtney...we were watching "Sex and the City" or at least i was trying. now we move on to i got to lay out in the sun...mind you this was the first day of work that i had i was enjoying my time off...val and sydney came over to chill so we went to lay out in the sun while val did her laundry. good talks...then off to bennigan's for dinner. while in bennigan's court gets a phone call from aaron germain asking if we had a sorry we don't...but dgaken aaraon calls dan and calls us back...surprise we're having a BBQ at our place...hmmm...good was we started calling people to invite them over for the bbq and just to hang. funny i decide to call brandon to invite him over that night...plesz answers his phone...that's Jessica to be exact... i'm brandon there...she doesn't say...just starts saying that she's with him and they're at my work but i'm not i get up and start walking around the restaurant with my cell phone...frantically looking's kind of like the movie scene from "My Best Friend's Wedding" at the end when she's at the wedding looking around for her best was anyway...they could see me and finally i found was craziness that we were all in the same place and i didn't realize it until i called was great!! so we ended up doing the whole bbq and beer thing...then off to sterling to play some volleyball! great times there! people were coming and going...there ended up being about 15 or 20 of us there...after vball...i just came home to crash...tons of fun tho! instead of crashing...people showed back up...this was the night of American Monopoly....Lonnie, Laura, Kim, Courtney, and Aaron came over to play monopoly...brandon and stanton showed up later...a little t-rashed...but i still got to have a fabulous conversation with "B" i finally crashed about 2 am...turns out monopoly lasted until about 330 am...geez..glad i crashed early. so hmmm...what comes next...thursday....the pistons game...this night was indescribable...let me just say you'd have to be there...some fun quotes from that night "it's spin the bottle, not fuck on the futon" hahaha...thanks lonnie. also a quote from lonnie... "on a spectrum of 1 to 10 i'm the 10 and he's like the fucking -10" hahaha it was great stuff...the pistons won that about a fun drinking game...when your team makes a basket you drink and when the other team misses you drink! hmmm...great times...can't even explain how that night turned'd have to be there! this brings us to friday night...ahhh yes...just chillin' something happened that night...i think lil amy was in town...very relaxing. not too much action. this brings us to saturday...once again...sloshed was quite an interesting evening...lots of and out...back and forth...cops drove through a few different times...whew...lucky for us they didn't stop!! played a few drinking games with soren, amy, and kim...yay for us quote "baby got back, bi-otch" oh yes and don't forget the oh so funny, "did your little man get stuck in your throat, bi-otch?" lol...nice one kim!! it was nice to have some good talks with duffy that night...i had the chance to get to know him a little better! yay for us...also...kinger was very open as well...nice talks with him too:) i did, however, get VERY VERY angry with Torgy... he makes me so angry when he treats me like i'm 10 after i've had 2 or 3 beers...please don't speak to me like i can't understand you because chances are i know exactly what's happening...i definitely kicked him out of my apartment for treating me like shit..."true gentleman" my ass...nice try torgy...not happening for you this time...maybe you can earn that status back in the eyes of the general public some day. i'm pretty sure he referred to me as a bitch that night as well... thanks for's much're such a great person...what can i say...i wish you were my role listen to my sarcasm tonight! anyway... i was thoroughly pissed off at him! on a brighter note...shane, bret, and their friend max come over was fun to hang out again...he's a cutie!
let's see...that about covers saturday night...which brings us to sunday...i crashed at about 9 the midst of a tornado warning...i was out like a light...didn't even hear the sirens that went off...i later found out! but i did get woken up by a very familiar voice at about 1230 am...just to say hi! i love it when i get those very random phone calls...just to put a smile on my face! thanks sweets!
tonight...being monday...was very uneventful...babysat all day...8am until 6 what a long day?? got home, ate, took a shower, watched the pistons...yes fire up for their win!! what a great game!! i did fall asleep at half time...but don't worry i woke up during the 3rd quarter. court and i ran away to kesseler for an hour...just to see who was there...just to visit! michael david waas came over with eric for a few hours this evening...brought me the latest edition of the FnC CD!! yes...i love michael!! it was nice to chat with them for a few. now that my life is all caught up...i'll try to keep this thing updated more frequently with shorter entries...but now i'm off to bed!! so sweet dreams...and i'll be looking for the stars on the lonely night....
sweet dreams
Kayla Ann