May 22, 2004 02:03
the last time i wrote was the last week of school, just before classes ended. school ended quite well...i ended up with a 3.0 this semester...not nearly well enough...but that C+ in nutrition really killed me...but lucky enough for me i brought my overall GPA up from a 3.4 to a 3.5...yay for me!! you may ask how that's possible...but it was because i was retaking a few classes this semester...too bad i took my youth sports class credit/no credit...otherwise i may have had a 3.5...hmmm too bad for me. school's out for summer...too bad not forever:(
the week after school ended i traveled to Hersey to Eagle Village for Leadershape! wow, what an interesting started off terribly!! by the third day, i was ready to go home...looking for every excuse in the book to pack up and leave! i just wanted to cry because i was soooo miserable...i'm not really sure what my deal was?? mostly because i already new a lot of the activities and the information they were giving me was not intersting to me. i had the opportunity to sit down with BP...Brian Pridgeon..and talk for at least an hour, we had one of the best really helped me to move on...he told me if i got nothing else out of the experience i should at least make some friends along the way. I also got to talk to a great friend on the phone that night...he made me smile...just like always!! so i turned my experience around...i gave up on all the busy work BS and started talking to people...i made some of the greatest friends ever...of the 52 CMU students who went...i new every single one of them. some of my favorites were Chennele, Beth Anne, Boo, Brittney, and of course it was great to get to know Vicki, Katie, Raeanne, Molly, Carolyn, and Christen a bit better as well! i had some super fun times playing red rover in the "living room", tossing the football around, and or course playing "big booty" and the "ha" game!! it was also really cool to get to know Lacy, Shannon, and Traci a bit better! good times at leadershape...i learned a ton about myself...they say it's a life changing experience...and to be honest...if you let will be. It may not have changed my life, persay, but it surely opened my eyes to a few things.
After leadershape i came home, only to find out that my friends have created a summer crew club known as the "Society of Seagulls" why seagulls you ask? simply because when you think summer you think know...on the beach, the mcdonalds parking if you're interesting in signing Dan Gaken...if 60 people sign up we definitely get pilsner glasses along with our t-shirts!! yes!! fire up for us!
the past few nights have been some crazy ones! i'll have to update you on those at a later's now 2:30 am and i have to get up i'm gonna peace out for the night! big day tomorrow...i'm going home to see the family!! YAY for me!!
also...look forward to hearing all of our random quotes...they will appear frequently and if you'd like a recap on all of them...please see our living room at BB2 they're all written down!! also...did you know that if you rub a bottle cap on the wall fast and hard it melts the paint and will stick!?!? well...we found that out...thanks Bal...and now our living room is decorated with bottle caps!! hahaha
Quote of the night: "Holy overshare tonight Batman!" thanks Amy!!
Sweet Dreams
Kayla Ann