a V6 experience

Nov 17, 2009 22:00

I know I haven't posted in ages... I've had a ton of work... and yeah, I guess it's true that when you're busy with real life stuff, you tend to neglect blogs (but not Twitter! :P).

I'm happy to report that I've watched my third Johnny's-related concert! Let's recap: Arashi in 2006 & 2008, Kanjani8 in 2008... and now V6 in 2009! Not bad.

Initially, I booked tickets to see V6 ... it wasn't that hard to book tickets on Gmarket, and I even got a pretty good seat. But then I got free tickets to watch the V6 concert... Yay! So I ended up canceling the ticket (the 113,000 won would be better spent on new winter clothes! Hahaha!) and dragged Pao to go see V6, even though she had no idea who they were!

On Sunday, we went to Olympic Hall, Olympic Park... it was FREEZING COLD... and all the autumn leaves were gone *weeps* Surprisingly, there was no line at all for the concert goods. And there wasn't even a lot, just uchiwas, posters, photo set and a concert booklet. So I just got my Junichi Okada uchiwa and we headed inside the concert hall. Once inside, they gave us these cool 3D glasses! So cool!

When we got inside the concert venue... I was really happy we got seats in the middle section. It had such a good view of the stage!

The 3D opening part was really really COOL. I have to say, V6 really pulled out all the stops. I guess to make the concert worth it! The visual effects were awesome, plus the stage was moving... it was sort of like an elevated puzzle, some parts going up and others going down. Kind of hard to explain.

I liked how the V6 guys got on carts and walked along the aisles (just like what Arashi did in the past)... it was so much fun to see them walk around and touch the fans! Junichi was so nice, touching all the fans so much. Guess he's not scared of H1N1? I would have run over to touch him except I'm so paranoid of the flu virus. :P

I have to admit I was kind of skeptical if the V6 concert would be fun, especially since I'm not a die-hard fan.. but it was FUN!!! Their songs are really nice and perky, and they can sing and dance really well. And man, for 30-something guys they can dance and do backflips!

My favorite part was when the ceiling lit up with blue lights. So pretty.

During the MC... Junichi said that Sho asked him to bring back some kimchi! Hahaha! I guess Sho loves his kimchi! Anyway, I just have to say Junichi is really handsome! But Inocchi is so charming and funny. The other members are funny too, teasing each other and stuff.

I guess this V6 concert proved that Johnny's concerts are really the most fun! ^_^v Even if you're not so much a fan, you will end up becoming a fan again!

friends are love, concert, v6, work, seoul is sparkling

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