"Sumthin' worth fightin' fer."

Apr 02, 2003 09:40

Good Morning! hehe, I woke up this morning at 8 am on the dot. And whatdaya know, they're showing dawson's creek, 4 epis a day! but from 5 - 9, since it's eastern time. Guess I got a reason to wake up early now. maybe not at 5, but at least at 8 to watch one of the epis. :-)
I thought to myself this morning, what a nice break from all this war coverage. I used to think my parents were a bit obsessed, but, they are just...what do you call it, patriotic? I don't know, but that's all we watch or listen to. They want to know whats going on, I don't blame them. It's good for me, I seriously do learn something new everyday, about politics and government and the republican stance. I ask more questions too, so yeah, that's good, I usually don't like asking questions. Makes me pretty darn patriotic myself. And I find myself always listening to this song, lol. (Have u forgotten by Darryl Worley) I think I have a full understanding of this war now. I think that sometimes, the only way you can support war is to understand it. People everywhere are telling me, "be anti-war". There are so many points of view. I hear from my grandparents, "we've seen lotz of wars and we were put into those camps because of war. don't let that happen again. be anti-war. war is hard." i hear from students, "we're killing women and children". people on the street say "we're so greedy, we just want oil." others say, "Well, what about bin laden?" People give me a headache! Ahh! (especially with the whole oil thing. it's not about oil people!) When u think of war, automatically, we think, killing killing killing. there is a purpose for it. U think they all just run out to some open desert to kick each other's ass, purposelessly? I dunno. War is a sore subject, eh? It's just...painful listening to all these ppl, ignorant most of them. This kid called up on one of the radio shows and actually thought we were waging war because we want to make Iraq the 51st State. WHOA. DANG! That's BAD. Poor child...
And us, kill women and children? Obviously, not purposely. Otherwise, we would've nuclear warfared the whole place right now if we didn't care, u know? level it out and they can really start over. That ain't the way we function, dude. Heard what Sadaam does to Iraqi's and Curds? Maybe it's too graphic to write in here. It's Spring Break, wouldn't want to be a downer on the..FUN! :-D Guess had to just get that out. Don't like actually speaking these words. Been wanting to get it out ... too scared to speak up. Even though I would to those who are just so ignorant, but..oh well :-)
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