tehehehe! lol

Apr 01, 2003 01:08

i think i had a pretty good day today, mainly just chatting up with my homies, :-) went to the dentist. i have a new dentist. a grownup dentist, LOL. he's so kewl dude. he makes me laugh so much. i like him lotz. he's my mom and dad's dentist too....he's like the homie that just cleans teeth, not really like, the doctor. in fact, everyone calls him "Doc". I had fun there...
Then, went to Costco! i kept sliping cuz my slippers. then, saw old friends, my dad's friend from work Reggie (he has this beautiful fro about 6 inches tall, lol) and his wife Twyla. she's a riot! it was nice seeing her.
Then, came home...doodled around the house, then came online. Found out I'd miss my Cat tomorrow at da mall. but had fun talking about *boys*. haha. actually, *slaves*, lol. Yeah, got all happy talking about *mark* haha. that boy sucks. never really got to tell anyone the full story about my poor marky. lol. i'll just copy paste the cat convo..
iM ziPpY tHe cAt: i have a servant so cool
KrazeeBSBluver: lol, lucky lucky girl
iM ziPpY tHe cAt: would you like to take the finch out for a test drive?
iM ziPpY tHe cAt: he'll pay
iM ziPpY tHe cAt: and hold your crap
iM ziPpY tHe cAt: and play with your hair haha
KrazeeBSBluver: lol!
KrazeeBSBluver: maybe someday, hopefully i can make a servant outta Mark. he still claims that he owes me, so..::evil laugh::
iM ziPpY tHe cAt: puahaha
iM ziPpY tHe cAt: !!
KrazeeBSBluver: :-D
KrazeeBSBluver: he's such a cutie. he called me yesterday at like, 10:40pm!
iM ziPpY tHe cAt: awwwww
KrazeeBSBluver: but yeah, sad for him, he got detained in Mexico!!
KrazeeBSBluver: for an extra day
iM ziPpY tHe cAt: shwhy?
KrazeeBSBluver: cuz i guess he didn't have a passport, so ur allowed to bring ur birth certificate to show ur a citizen...but his birth certificate got stolen, or at least the copy of it, so he had to get it faxed down or something like that. he was like, "it was the worst day of my life!!"
iM ziPpY tHe cAt: dang!!!
KrazeeBSBluver: i was like, POOR BABY!!! lol. wish i could reach thru the fone for a hug!
iM ziPpY tHe cAt: awww poor baby :(
iM ziPpY tHe cAt: haha
iM ziPpY tHe cAt: jinx
KrazeeBSBluver: :-P lol
iM ziPpY tHe cAt: a hug eh?
iM ziPpY tHe cAt: hehe
KrazeeBSBluver: well....haha!
KrazeeBSBluver: ;-)
iM ziPpY tHe cAt: muahaha
iM ziPpY tHe cAt: go chelley!
KrazeeBSBluver: *it's my berfday*!
KrazeeBSBluver: i wish!
iM ziPpY tHe cAt: hehe
KrazeeBSBluver: and he was talking for a while, and then he had to go cuz his cell kept cutting out (he was still at LAX< wow he thought of me when i would've been more worried about getting home finally and all) he was like, well, u enjoy the rest of ur evening, i hope it's lovely. i was thinking, what the heck? oh well, haha
iM ziPpY tHe cAt: awww
iM ziPpY tHe cAt: thats so cute how he called YOOH!!
iM ziPpY tHe cAt: heehee!!!
KrazeeBSBluver: tehehehe, i know, made me happeee

yeah, it did kind of make me happy. he's getting more and more..."friendly" when we talk now. tis a good thing :-D
i guess i felt kinda special cuz he called me right when he got home to LAX. I wouldn't have thought to call me if i were him when i first arrived. i'd be too angered about the previous events and just gone home and slept! jet lag and all that.. but he called me! And yeah...i dunno. Anyway, he said he still owes me, anything i want. ::evil laugh:: muahaha, j/k j/k. I'm a good girl! maybe i just ask for a massage. seems like everyone else is getting them! tehe, with oils and everything, tehaha, j/k. i always wanted one, but no one ever offers, so this shall probably be my "pay back" from Mark, i hope. that is if he remembers that he's indebted to me, tehehe. anyway...i had this new theory about Mark, but i fergot it. but i did have another point. Does he actually care about me? Even if it's in a "sisterly" way? we'll never know until I walk thru the fire....cuz he's the same way with girls as us.. we ain't saying nothing unless u say something first!
i had other stuff to say...darn it! Well, i always forget...crud. i guess that's it for now. i'll see u tomorrow some of u, if not i'l talk to u tomorrow :- ) lotz of hearts to yah!
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