Nov 17, 2011 20:47
I haven't posted here in a long time for various stupid reasons, but stuff has happened, and part of my thesis is documenting stuff, so here's some succinct documentation:
1 - 'Monster Porn' was officially launched on Tuesday night. The evening was a big success and my lead supervisor met my folks. This went in ways I could not anticipate, with 'there are many ways you can die' and 'yummy mummy' being the main points of badness.
2 - Handed in the full draft of my thesis that I've been dithering with since May. It stands at just over 110k and cost £32 a copy to print and bind. Initial reports back are that it isn't a complete fuck-up, so I may be seeing this thing through.
3 - Rats have been adopted and gone to a very rat-friendly home, where they shall join an existing mischief of 17. No longer worried about Inca inadvertantly killing one of them out of love and playfulness.
4 - Have not updated any fanfic since August, but tonight I am cracking on with 'Only a Prime' and not apologising for it. Har.
5 - Got 'Dolls' a confirmed, printed publishing agreement. Darth Bitch will be committed to paper sometime next year.