Looking Back

Feb 11, 2009 11:24

I want to do another LJ project. I've been REALLY bored at work lately, so, inspired by the impending 10-year Anniversary of LiveJournal, I have started reading through my own lj, starting way back in 2002, from the beginning. First thing I've noticed is how much better and more exciting my life is now, even though I still often think it can be routine or boring. Not by a long shot. Just have to compare it to my life back then. Job I hated at AAA, no local friends of my own (all Rory's), no hobbies outside of work but drinkin and smokin weed... So MUCH has happened in my life since then that it just seems strange to look back and think that it was my life.

HOWEVER, as I'm looking through these old entries, having a better knowledge of lj, stashes of old digital photos, and a better internet than I did, I've come up with a project. I'm fond of projects, as those who know about my "iTunes Album Art" and/or "tagging all old lj entries" projects know... And I've decided that, ESPECIALLY the Dragon Tales Live touring year needs some photos injected into the entries.

Now, if I ever ACTUALLY get around to doing this, it will be another story. But it would be nice.

It's interesting to reflect and watch myself grow.

I'll probably stop reading once we hit the Rocky Horror years. I'll leave it to my far future self to want to go back and read all that craziness. lol.


life, livejournal

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