This Bodes Well...

Jan 01, 2007 15:42

A nerve-wracked Stephanie attempted to pull a Rune last night before "partying" in order to get a simple idea of how the overall year of 2007 might play out for her... For those of you who know your runes... This is what I pulled:

It is the rune of transformation...
(The following isn't the EXACT version of the meaning of the rune that I have on hand, but it's a good idea):

"Known as the rune of increase and growth, it often brings prosperity. Like Inguz, it shows you have the inner strength to turn any situation around for the better. However, this will only happen if you utilize these skills.
Even with negative runes, Dagaz shows that with perseverance you can defeat your obstacles. Your inner growth at this time is a slow and steady one. You may not even notice the change until one day you realize that things are a lot brighter.
Your attitude is important of the utmost importance. A positive attitude will bring much good into your life, whereas dwelling on your problems will only bring them closer to you. In most cases, when this rune shows up there will be a major change in your life. You may never look at life the same way again, but this is a positive thing.
A new beginning is always a difficult process, but if you make the best of the situation things will turn around for the better. Perhaps a new way of thinking or even a quest for spiritual enlightenment will be beneficial to you in this time of growth."

I believe that spending last night with my friends, and NOT ending up even a shadow of my bawling, broken self from last year was a very positive start to 2007. I have high hopes again... It was a night of turnaround, not without its sadnesses, but my overall feeling of positivity held out. Even after doing some some reading (that's always less-than-good for my heart) this morning, I still have hopes that things may turn out ok... however differently I know they will be from what I wished for.
There's a lot of work to do. For myself, within my relationships with others, for my life in general... But I will try my hardest to remember to reciprocate the frienships and love of the people who truly care for me, and try to shed the tears and sadness and hardship that I impose upon myself the best that I can.
We shall only see what happens from here...
Blessings for 2007 and beyond. May the road of life take you all where you truly wish to be.
Love and Hope,

new year, friends, runes, positivity, life, wicca

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