[Fic] as luck would have it 7/? (wip)

Aug 02, 2012 14:11

Title: as luck would have it 7/?
Pairing: Jaejoong/Changmin AU; JaeMin (other pairings: YunYoon, YooSu)
Length: Chaptered/ WIP
Rating: PG-13ish? I don't know how to rate. We'll say there's a little bit of language and suggestive content (but seriously, very very innocent)
A/N: Suppose this chapter is more an interlude than anything...granted, this whole fic is just one big interlude of nothing happening. XDD So whatever. Happy Birthday Tani!!!!! This is for you~! (not as much JaeMin though, sorry)

[1] [2] [ 3] [ 4] [ 5] [ 6]

“Are showers your new thing now? You both seem to have that as your reoccurring motif here. Or maybe it’s the slamming of doors in his face. Or the fact that you keep embarrassing yourself in front of him.”
“Shut up I don’t need your literary analysis of my life.”

“Oh but it’s so much fun to analyze your failing love life.”

“I don’t even think it can be called a love life. There is no love there at all, just awkwardness and all around failings on both your parts.”

You chuck your pillow at Yunho for that last comment. Yoochun had already fallen off the bed, literally rolling on the floor in laughter.

“I hate you guys, why did I even agree to this again?”

“Because Yunho is a girl and he misses our slumber parties and you love him too much to say no.”

Yoochun’s manages to pick himself off the floor before falling down again after Yunho whacks him over the head with your pillow. Hard.

“Why am I a girl?!? Oh my god, can’t I just spend time with my best friends without being made fun of? .... What’s so girly about a slumber party? You know what, Chun? Don’t answer….Come back here! I’m not done with you yet!”

You’ve missed hanging out with your two best friends. Even if their teasing and idiocy was enough to make you want to throw them out on their asses, BFFs or not.


One spectacularly epic pillow fight and three bruised bodies later, you’re all sitting around your kitchen table stuffing your faces with kokuma pizza.

“So explain to me again how Chun and Junsu are together now but you and Changmin are still playing whack the ball into each other’s courts?”

“The civilized term is tennis.”

“They’re clearly playing on the wrong courts.”

“You know what Chunnie? Shut up.”

“The civilized term is-“

“Can it!”

“Again, my question goes unanswered.”


Dinner turns into a silent affair of you glaring at Yoochun and Yunho making pouty faces at you both and Yoochun trying not to laugh his ass off…again. But not wanting to waste good food on a potential food fight, and the other two fearing what you’d do if they ruined your kitchen, it is mutually agreed upon that you’d all eat your food in silence.

At least in figurative silence.

Your eyes are expressive enough to tell a whole story and a shouting match is most likely occurring in everyone’s heads. For sure you know there’s a pretty heated argument in your head. You are using some choice words on the other two and whopping their butts with your wit. If you can’t win in real life, at least you are a winner in your own mind.

You try not to facepalm yourself for real at the way that comes out. Even in your own head you sound pathetic.


“Let’s watch Battle Royal!”

“No gory movies Chunnie. Please.”


“Okay Yunho, I’m sorry, but it’s official. Yoona wears the pants in your relationship. Oh, don’t look so scandalized.”

“Fine! Battle Royal it is. This is for you Jae! Two overrules one.”

It’s only ten minutes into the movie when you hear a small peep from your side.



“Who’s in agreement with me now?”

“Hate you Yunnie.”

“We will not speak of this.”

“But it’s Tangled, guys! Everyone loves Tangled.”


You’d think that a guy’s night in watching Tangled and eating way too buttered popcorn would spell a completely tame and fairly boring evening.

That was the case until Yoochun whipped out his smart phone and three bottles of soju, claiming that he found a Tangled drinking game on some website. You’re a little baffled and scared by the fact that there was a drinking game for a children’s movie and that one of the rules, rule 7 to be exact, is to drink every time there is a blatant sexual innuendo….and there are quite a few sexual innuendos for an “innocent children’s movie”.  None the less, the movie turns out to be far more entertaining than you would have thought, soju or not. You blame the soju for the tears in the last half of the movie though. At least you know from the snifflings next to you that you’re all in silent agreement on that.

You begin reevaluating all the other children stories you’ve grown up with though and wonder how much sex was basically fed down your throat.

Giggling to yourself at that thought, you glance over to see the other two passed out. A tangled mass of limbs, Yunho’s head snuggly fit under Yoochun’s chin, their arms wrapped around each other. You’re torn between laughing at the sight of the two snuggling together or sobbing at Fate’s way of showing that even in this setting you’re forever alone. You opt instead to pull out your phone and take a picture, making sure to send it out to the two significant others to make yourself feel better.

Min to Jaejoongie-hyung (3:23 AM): Hyung, while YunChun look quite adorable, I’d rather you have waited for a more acceptable time to text me rather than 3 o’clock in the morning!

Jae to Minnie (3:30 AM): Opps! U werent sposed 2 b in that group. Didja know its hardr 2 txt drunk? :D

Min to Jaejoongie-hyung (3:31 AM): …Go to sleep hyung.

Jae to Minnie (3:35 AM): Nite my Minnie! <3

-- 8 --

jaemin, writing, dbsk, fiction, as luck would have it

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