[Fic] as luck would have it 6/? (wip)

Jul 17, 2012 12:40

Title: as luck would have it 6/?
Pairing: Jaejoong/Changmin AU; JaeMin (other pairings: YunYoon, YooSu)
Length: Chaptered/ WIP
Rating: PG-13ish? I don't know how to rate. We'll say there's a little bit of language and suggestive content (but seriously, very very innocent)
A/N: This chapter....I don't know. I think it's very blah. I didn't like it very much. The writing seems off and the points very cliched. So...ugh~ whatever.

[1] [2] [ 3] [ 4] [ 5]

Turning around in your chair, you give your back a quick crack before standing up and stretching out your whole body.

Checking the clock, you see that you finished your paper earlier than expected; even the two love birds have yet to arrive. Figuring you had time, you decide to go snag a quick shower. If they’re dragging you out with them, might as well look presentable.


The knock comes right as you’re toweling yourself down.

Should really get that bell fixed.

Figuring that this would be the perfect opportunity to goad Yunho even more, you head out to answer the door in only your towel wrapped snuggly around your waist. Eight hours spent at the gym a week and you were proud to show the fruits of your labor, especially if it would piss Yunho off even more.

“Hey Yunnie-bab-eei-“

You quickly slam the door shut. That was definite not a squeak that just left your mouth and that was definitely not Yunho standing in front of your doorstep.

“Something tells me this is going to be a common occurrence whenever I come see you,” comes the resigned voice from behind the door.

“I wasn’t expecting you! Hold on one second!” You yell back, more than flustered. You dash back to your room and pull on a t-shirt and a pair of jeans before running back to the door. Trying to calm your racing heart, you open up the door to see Changmin again, leaning against the frame, looking bored, if not a little red.

If this isn't just cliched and ridiculous I don't know what is.

Coughing, you step aside to let him inside. He takes a seat at the same couch from a few days ago, looking up questioningly at you.

“Is this something I should be keeping from Yoona?”

You blink at him blankly before realizing what he was referring too.

“Oh, oh! No, no, no! It’s not what it looks like. I thought they were -- they both were supposed to be coming over and….It seemed like the perfect opportunity to-“

“Seduce the both of them?”

“What?! NO! Annoy Yunho! He’s been whining about…You know what, whatever. Why are you here again?” You huff, crossing your arms in front of you, very red and very self-conscious. You may like to strut yourself in front of your friends, but in front of someone you’re crushing over is completely different.

Did I just use “crushing over”. Oh dear God maybe Yunho’s rubbing off on me.

“I’m your ‘compensation’, whatever that means. Either way, Yoona just told me to come over and that you’d be making me dinner.”

You’re not sure if you want to curse or hug Yoona at this point, opting for letting out a frustrated sigh.

“She could have at least warned me first,” running a hand through your still damp locks.

“And miss having you greet me naked and wet from a shower?” Smirking at you from his position on the couch, “I might just have to send her chocolates for this.”

You hate how you always end up blushing in front of him.

Quickly moving over to the couch, you plop yourself down next to him before you’re tempted to actually sit on top of him.

Change in topic!

“Okay my pervy dongsaeng, what do you desire for dinner?”

The look he turns towards you has you scooting a little further towards the edge of the couch.

Bad choice of words.

He smirks at you again before turning thoughtful. The change was a little disconcerting and it amazes you how he can go from evil seducer to adorably cute in a span of a few seconds. You try to contain yourself from pinching his cheeks.

“Well what do you have?”

“Umm…that’s the thing. We need to go grocery shopping.


Grocery shopping ends up being an almost 2 hour ordeal. How that happened, you blame Changmin. For being so suave and mature, he acted like a little kid in a giant candy store.

Before heading to the grocery store, you both came up with a simple menu for the night, so you only needed a few extra ingredients to pick up at the store.

When you got there, however, Changmin insisted going up and down each aisle to “peruse their fine selection”, as he said. After each aisle you’d notice your cart getting progressively fuller, Changmin attempting to sneak in extra items into it.

You ended up telling him to return half of the things he snuck in. You would have had him return it all except for those damn puppy-dog eyes.

When you both return home, you set Changmin to putting away the groceries while you started on the cooking.

That ended up working just fine, each becoming absorbed in their individual duties. That is until he turns to put something into the fridge and you turn from getting left over soup from there, not being used to the extra body in the kitchen, you weren’t expecting it and collide right into his solid form. Lucky you, not a drop of soup lands on your brand new shirt. However…

“Umm…how awkward would it be if I asked you for a shower?”

…Changmin’s shirt wasn’t so lucky.



“Lower the squeal level, my ears are going to bleed. And there’d better be a legitimate reason for you interrupting my Su time!”

“Oh my god oh my god oh my god!”

“…I can't say divine inspiration is a very good reason..."







You whip around, cell phone still held to your ear, almost dropping it when you notice Changmin’s state of wet undress.

“Umm, I’ll have to talk to you later.”

“Wait, Jae, hey! You can’t just call and-“

You remind yourself to explain in detail to your roommate later. Right now though, you have more pressing things to attend to.

He’s looking adorably lost with his hair dripping wet and only a towel around his waist. You’re enjoying the karmic gift although you’re hoping something bad isn’t looming in your future.

I've had enough bad luck happen to me just give me this one please!?

“Was that Yoochun hyung?”

“Yes. Umm…what is it you needed?”

“Oh.” And he seems to realize he has nothing on, self-consciously hunching in a little on himself. “I was just wondering if you had some spare clothes that I could borrow?”

You forgot that his clothes were currently in the washer, the need to scream to your roommate taking precedence over finding replacements for your houseguest.

Giving him a blushing nod, you dart past him into your room to dig around your closet. Thankfully Yunho used to spend the night a lot, before he got his girlfriend, and you never took the time to clear out all the extra clothes he often left at your place.

Digging out a pair of sweats and a tank top, you hand them over.  He quickly retreats to the bathroom, allowing you a nice view of his covered behind.

“And don’t forget to wipe up after yourself. You dripped all over my hardwood floors!”


"No complaining!"

“No! I think I smell something burning, hyung!”



“I’m so sorry about dinner!”

“Really, it’s okay, hyung. I like fried chicken!”

You’re both standing at your apartment door. Changmin in his freshly laundered clothes and a bag of left-over take out in his hands. You, fidgeting in utter embarrassment at the failed dinner date.

“But your clothes, and the food, and-“

“Really, I promise. And that just means I have to come back again to try out your infamous cooking!”

You smile at his attempt to cheer you up but the embarrassment of a botched "date" and the already draining day you've had, adds to the mini pity-party going on in your head.

“I just seem to be all kinds of bad luck around you. Maybe it would be best if we kept our interactions to a minimum.”

You laugh, but it comes out a little too sadly, scuffing your slippered toe at the threshold.

A slight shuffling in front of you is the only warning you get before you feel something warm envelope your whole body.

I never noticed how tall he actually is.

“Stop looking so pitiful. It doesn’t suit you very well, hyung.”

You smile softly into his shoulder, giving him a light squeeze before pulling away, not wanting to get too caught up in it.

Keep emotions in check until afterwards. No need for more embarrassing moments.

“Thanks Minnie.” The nickname slipping out before you had time to stop yourself.

You silently curse your lack of a brain-to-mouth filter.

So much for not embarrassing myself more.

“I’ll be going now. And don’t think you can get out of cooking for me! I will be back for that meal.”

Smiling, you nod once in acknowledgement, not wanting to open your mouth again, least something else ridiculous spills out.

Like, I really like you can you please stay?

You watch him as he makes his way down the hall to the elevators. He pauses halfway and turns around. You raise your hand for an awkward wave, trying not to appear like a flustered spy caught in the act.

Laughing, Changmin waves back before hesitantly saying, “You can keep calling me ‘Minnie.’ If you want. I don’t mind if you call me that.”

As long as you call me yours.

You’re tempted to slap yourself silly. When did you get to be so sappy? Instead you let out a hand covered laugh and a wish goodnight.
Sweet dreams.

-- 7--

jaemin, writing, dbsk, fiction, as luck would have it

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