ladders + cats = disaster

Nov 28, 2012 22:38

So, our apartment has a decorative wooden ladder leaned up against a wall. It also serves a function to get to a crawlspace/storage area up above our bedroom, though since it's not attached to the wall, someone has to hold the ladder while the other person goes up it.

A few days ago, Carmen figured out how to climb the ladder to get to the platform in front of the crawlspace, though she's only half figured out that the only safe way down is to jump on our bed. It's actually pretty impressive watching her climb the ladder, because it's so unnatural and yet she manages very well.

Except, the last few times she hasn't been quite coordinated enough. Either she gets too excited and overshoots or isn't excited enough and undershoots, but she ends up quitting halfway up after the front of her body slings irreparably far over a rung. I've caught her a few times before she fell, but today she did it while Christian was cooking alone at home and he couldn't get over in time. In order to land on her feet, Carmen kicked off from the ladder at the last moment, kicking the ladder away from the wall. Luckily she kicked it a bit to the left, so it fell on a table. If she had kicked it to the right instead, it would have whacked full force into our bigscreen TV and surely smashed it.

We've taken down the ladder.

apartment, carmen, television

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